Windows 10 Update KB3106932 and KB3105210 - October 29

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  1. Posts : 263
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Both downloaded and installed without a hiccup. Did reboot !
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,546
    Windows 10 Pro x64 RS 10586.586

    KB3106932 - KB3105210 manual download

    Update for Windows 10 - 10240 (KB3106932) - servicing stack, replaces KB3081452



    Cumulative Update for Windows 10 - 10240: (KB3105210)



      My Computer

  3. Posts : 409
    Windows 10

    Cluster Head said:
    Cumulative Update KB3105210 for Windows 10 October 29th.

    For more Information:
    Excerpt from the link you provided:
    "This update for Windows 10 includes functionality improvements..."

    It's more than mere security updates, like tech websites are saying tonight. Why does Microsoft have to be so Google. They should be proud to toot their own horn over enhancements and improvements!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 409
    Windows 10

    BrownianMotion said:
    I'm assuming it's in preparation for Threshold 2.
    Thank-you! I read this: "This update makes improvements to ease the upgrade experience to Windows 10." on the Microsoft site and was thinking that my PC must have forgotten that I'm already running Win10.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Cluster Head said:
    Update for Windows 10 - 10240 (KB3106932) - servicing stack, replaces KB3081452



    Cumulative Update for Windows 10 - 10240: (KB3105210)



    How do you find these URLs Cluster Head?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 43
    W10 Home 64Bit

    I was pleasantly surprised. No issues at all on both my W10 pcs.

    I am wondering why "to easy the upgrade experience." is included though. I mean, we already have upgraded. Suppose it doesn't matter. It's just odd.

    Anyone know anything about this?
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 43
    W10 Home 64Bit

    AllenChicago said:
    Thank-you! I read this: "This update makes improvements to ease the upgrade experience to Windows 10." on the Microsoft site and was thinking that my PC must have forgotten that I'm already running Win10.
    Exactly! Main thing, no problems caused by it which is pretty good for MS.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 629
    windows 10

    installed and rebooted with no problems
    everything seams to be working
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    Installed and working without problems

    These seemed a lot slower than previous installs, usually after the reboot at 35% the rest goes very quickly, this one I watched counting up from 35% to 100%

    no problems with it, but it looked as though it was updating a lot of files for me
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    paulsalter said:
    Installed and working without problems

    These seemed a lot slower than previous installs, usually after the reboot at 35% the rest goes very quickly, this one I watched counting up from 35% to 100%

    no problems with it, but it looked as though it was updating a lot of files for me
    The last update I got took a bit to install and then the restart was, slow. But no issues to report.
      My Computer


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