Microsoft: Windows 10 Users Should Say No to Chrome and Firefox

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  1. Posts : 200
    Wds10 - OEM

    hTconeM9user said:
    Why you say Edge is a mobile Browser
    What security issues as I have not come up against any
    I use it 100% with no trouble
    Not buggy or unsecure

    You now prove your statement and proof and we might believe you.
    You see unlike you I am using it all the time, I have no other browser installed.
    I don't like Chrome, never used FF.
    He does not have to prove it to you nor anybody else ... it's personal choice . The way people use browser are different. .
    I myself don't like edge either .. it's not even close to chrome
    That's my choice . and please , do not question my what I like ... cheers .
    Last edited by RonCFL; 07 Nov 2015 at 13:42.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    RonCFL said:
    He does not have to prove it to you nor anybody ... it's personal choice . The way people use browser are different. .
    I myself don't like edge either .. it's not even close to chrome
    That's my choice . do not question my likes ... cheers .
    +1,, arguing over a browser choice seems just silly to me. It's a personal choice and I use both Edge and FF. Why?? I just like both of them at this point.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 27,400
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    BunnyJ said:
    +1,, arguing over a browser choice seems just silly to me. It's a personal choice and I use both Edge and FF. Why?? I just like both of them at this point.

    It's like arguing over which car is better... Tran AM, T-Bird, Camero.....etc.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    The thing that irks me is, that MS hyped the heck out of Edge, as if it's the latest thing since 'sliced bread', when, in fact, it's barely presentable or usable.
    'Nitro' from Maxthon is more bare bones and faster than Edge, yet is way more feature rich.
    Edge's 'screen writing' feature is no more than a glorified screen capture tool, not to mention it's quirky behavior.
    MS's main concern is security and performance, and I can appreciate that but, users want features.
    Used Edge for a couple hours after I got 10586 back on my SSD but had to give it up!
    Yes, it's a personal choice but some of us tend to be a little pompous of our choices! That's okay though.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    Edwin said:
    The thing that irks me is, that MS hyped the heck out of Edge, as if it's the latest thing since 'sliced bread', when, in fact, it's barely presentable or usable.
    'Nitro' from Maxthon is more bare bones and faster than Edge, yet is way more feature rich.
    Edge's 'screen writing' feature is no more than a glorified screen capture tool, not to mention it's quirky behavior.
    MS's main concern is security and performance, and I can appreciate that but, users want features.
    Used Edge for a couple hours after I got 10586 back on my SSD but had to give it up!
    Yes, it's a personal choice but some of us tend to be a little pompous of our choices! That's okay though.
    With that said, closed thread then?
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 25
    Win 10

    Curious on the Speed test.
    How to Type the Apple Logo on Mac OS X | OSXDaily
    On Chrome this rendered quickly but the Apple Icon that I was researching just shows as a box instead of the character, like the font was missing the character.
    Tried same on Edge and it just spins and spins and never renders. Killed it and brought it back and does the same.
    IE 11 renders the page but just white space for this mystery character.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 200
    Wds10 - OEM

    Cliff S said:
    It's like arguing over which car is better... Tran AM, T-Bird, Camero.....etc.

    Some want to race ... some just want to crawl to grocery stores ...
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 17,843
    Windows 10

    HippsieGypsie said:
    With that said, closed thread then?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 9
    Win10 x64bit Home

    I am sceptical over microsoft's claim to shun Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox from Windows 10.
    I believe there is an underlying issue with this statement in that, Microsoft have no control over these two browsers which allow no access from Windows 10 to report back telemetry data, both are open source derivatives and coded completely different to Edge and internet explorer along with others mentioned previously.

    I have been using Mozilla Firefox on both Windows and Linux since the days of Phoenix (previous name of Firefox) circa 2002 and this statement isn't going to change my browser, only Mozilla can do that by implementing changes I don't like and even then, using the about:config menu I can still enable/ disable things.
    Having said that, I have used internet explorer for some sites that were incompatable with Firefox in the early days.

    Regardless of this, it's entirely up to the end-user what browser they prefer and that is the beauty of it!
    Oh, by the way, this is my first post on this forum.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    BunnyJ said:
    +1,, arguing over a browser choice seems just silly to me. It's a personal choice and I use both Edge and FF. Why?? I just like both of them at this point.

    You may change your mind with the latest FF 42 64bit flavor just released. Mozilla suddenly decided to follow the example set by Waterfox and finally worked out the 64bit side. As far as Edge being a mobile browser I wouldn't get feathered about that type of comment when you remember that 10 is now a "Dual Platform" OS while 8 was the losing ticket for the mistakes MS made in how they introduced the dual platform concept.

    They hacked up that version royally while some much needed "working things out" as I suspected back then had to take place to see 10 arrive! And as far as arguments over which browser you have on is ridiculus since there are tons of them to fuss over! Some work as equally well as the next only with a different name tag being the main difference!
      My Computers


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