Microsoft: Windows 10 Users Should Say No to Chrome and Firefox

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  1. Posts : 27,382
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Night Hawk said:
    Previews is an option found in the Settings that can be turned off if you want. Those are pop ups seen when having multiple tabs or windows open so you know which is what being a convenience option also seen with other browsers. When having several pages open you can move swiftly back and forth when the previews are present.
    The way they work now, they are totally useless(from the tabs),. In 240 it only shows for the open page(on taskbar) in the higher builds from tabs if you mouse over the thumbnail it doesn't show full screen like other browsers, so it's only a gimmick they stole from Vivaldi, and that only half-assed implemented.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 27,382
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Why I Hate Edge
    ***Note: Different dates***

    Microsoft: Windows 10 Users Should Say No to Chrome and Firefox-image-001.png

    Microsoft: Windows 10 Users Should Say No to Chrome and Firefox-image-002.png

    Microsoft: Windows 10 Users Should Say No to Chrome and Firefox-image-003.png

    Microsoft: Windows 10 Users Should Say No to Chrome and Firefox-image-004.png
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Cliff S said:
    The way they work now, they are totally useless(from the tabs),. In 240 it only shows for the open page(on taskbar) in the higher builds from tabs if you mouse over the thumbnail it doesn't show full screen like other browsers, so it's only a gimmick they stole from Vivaldi, and that only half-assed implemented.
    Well it's like finding the W10 Upgrade in the Optional updates but already checked off ready to install! MS was called out on that following a recent petition put together. Edge isn't ready is the word! It's that simple since MS likes to introduce unfinished items it seems.

    It will be interesting however to see just how they actually progress with Edge over time. They decided to go ahead and jam it out with 10 rather then being an eventual replacement that was fully working to replace IE with.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 27,382
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Night Hawk said:
    Well it's like finding the W10 Upgrade in the Optional updates but already checked off ready to install! MS was called out on that following a recent petition put together. Edge isn't ready is the word! It's that simple since MS likes to introduce unfinished items it seems.

    It will be interesting however to see just how they actually progress with Edge over time. They decided to go ahead and jam it out with 10 rather then being an eventual replacement that was fully working to replace IE with.
    But you know what N.H I have seen a worst browser "in development". Canonical is creating their own for Ubuntu, and after a couple of years, it's still an abortion. Or another example, when Vivaldi started putting builds out, the first few(not couple-few) would not even properly install. So there are worst. But like I said before, if I use Edge for YouTube(or any other video) it rocks! So even now it has a limited us for me. It only crashes/freezes when I'm surfing and I think it has to do with social buttons(Crackbook, G+ Twitter & Co.) and certain ad services loading in the background.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Some of those other half horsed browsers I wouldn't even bother to look at to begin with. Some actually start off better then others when coming from the Open Source community due to how well they were written from scratch. That gets into programming as well as program development there. There "anyone" can program and submit "their own" results being the potential problem at times.

    Presently what you see in Edge is only a glimpse of things at least hopefully to be seen and not the actual finished product! MS put it in 10 to "Try Out" more then any actual IE replacement at this point. You will also notice 10 has the "Windows Feedback" option never seen before in any RTM release suggesting more to come with just 10 alone?!
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 27,382
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Night Hawk said:
    Some of those other half horsed browsers I wouldn't even bother to look at to begin with. Some actually start off better then others when coming from the Open Source community due to how well they were written from scratch. That gets into programming as well as program development there. There "anyone" can program and submit "their own" results being the potential problem at times.

    Presently what you see in Edge is only a glimpse of things at least hopefully to be seen and not the actual finished product! MS put it in 10 to "Try Out" more then any actual IE replacement at this point. You will also notice 10 has the "Windows Feedback" option never seen before in any RTM release suggesting more to come with just 10 alone?!
    The only problem, with software in general, where the developers listen "too much" to the users, is over time it becomes too bloated.

    I have seen this over & over again when trying out or testing new stuff that comes out.

    I have seen simple tools that do one thing great, evolve into monsters with stability problems(too many conflicting background services), Ccleaner is a good example(loads slow as hell on an SSD now), Wise Care and or IOBITS Tool Box(which was really nice in the beginning(version 1 and 1.2)) that is now Advanced System Care and the additional programs linked to it(no I don't use it, I just used to test the Betas on a test machine until it got to large and took over the PC).

    It would be nice if they just had a browser that didn't crash:)(see my reliability history above)
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 8
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64bit

    I'm sticking with Chrome. I don't like how they're trying to pressurize people into using Edge.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Cliff S said:
    The only problem, with software in general, where the developers listen "too much" to the users, is over time it becomes too bloated.

    I have seen this over & over again when trying out or testing new stuff that comes out.

    I have seen simple tools that do one thing great, evolve into monsters with stability problems(too many conflicting background services), Ccleaner is a good example(loads slow as hell on an SSD now), Wise Care and or IOBITS Tool Box(which was really nice in the beginning(version 1 and 1.2)) that is now Advanced System Care and the additional programs linked to it(no I don't use it, I just used to test the Betas on a test machine until it got to large and took over the PC).

    It would be nice if they just had a browser that didn't crash:)(see my reliability history above)
    Gosh those dreaded "Bloat Wares" again! Keeping it plain and simple is something you don't see much of since it doesn't give a service techs any guaranty of "Job Security" as well as not keeping the MS debuggers busy when you call into support! You have to have Foobar Alleys! And developers listening to users? You're talking MS there!

    TroyCooper said:
    I'm sticking with Chrome. I don't like how they're trying to pressurize people into using Edge.
    You won't hear any complaint here!
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    Gary said:
    I am using Firefox 42 RC1 without any issues at all.
    FF 41 runs OK in my VMs too (once I've downloaded the Classic Theme Restorer add-on to get rid of Mozilla's GUI "improvements).

    If I wanted to run Chrome, I'd install Chrome.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 46
    64-bit 10240 10 Pro

    lehnerus2000 said:
    FF 41 runs OK in my VMs too (once I've downloaded the Classic Theme Restorer add-on to get rid of Mozilla's GUI "improvements).

    If I wanted to run Chrome, I'd install Chrome.
    You have to use CTR, I am running Fx 42 RC1 and so far it is the best they have come out with. I have actually gone without a crash since 42 Beta 7.
      My Computer


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