OneDrive delivers unlimited cloud storage to Office 365 Office

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  1. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    It's a good and totally working system, needs a bit time to get used to always save in libraries but when you have it in you, it's so practical you'll wonder how on earth you managed before :).

    Just create a few extra libraries for your needs, create the folder structure to work with libraries in OneDrive. One important folder to use as an example is Downloads; create OneDrive\Downloads, include it in a new library Downloads, set as this library's default save location and set all your browser to save downloads to the Downloads library.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 91
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Yeah... I will do that. Now once this is all set up, is the idea that when you reinstall, your customised OneDrive libraries return to your computer once you sign into OneDrive? Or am i missing something? :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    You are missing only a one small part.

    When you reinstall or set up a new computer, you need to select which folders from your OneDrive you want to be synced, stored locally.

    OneDrive delivers unlimited cloud storage to Office 365-2015-04-23_07h53_31.png

    Using myself as an example I always select all normal data folders intended for daily use like (these are all existing folders on my OneDrive) Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Videos, Music, TV Shows, Forums Follow-Up, Projects, E-Books and so on. I do not sync folders like ISO images, Backup, Archive and so on.

    Now I wait a few minutes to let the OneDrive start syncing, creating my libraries in the mean time. As soon as I can see that the folder structure has already been created in my %UserProfile%\OneDrive (main folders synced, their content still syncing), I can start adding those folders in libraries and setting them as default save locations, letting the OneDrive sync the folder contents in its own pace.

    Although this is as far as I can tell a flawless system to always have you personal data intact and available on all your Windows computers regardless what happens to your PC or how many of them you have, I only recommend this to users with a relatively fast broadband connection. In my case the content of OneDrive I am syncing is over 30 GB even though I use a non-synced OneDrive cloud main folder Archive with a subfolder structure for my archived docs, pics, videos and so on quit a lot, moving there the data I assume I will only need occasionally.

    And, of course a warning: A worst case scenario, a scenario which might happen if the user for instance decides to reinstall and before doing so decides to delete the content of his / her user profile folder, including OneDrive subfolder, to free space: if you physically delete content in your %userprofile%\OneDrive folder, it will also be deleted from the OneDrive cloud.

    Never delete anything inside your locally stored OneDrive folder if you don't want to totally remove that content from both OneDrive cloud storage and all other Windows computers which are currently syncing it.
    Last edited by Kari; 25 Apr 2015 at 19:07.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 91
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Ah, OK, I see now, Thanks. :)

    So i'm not the only one who stores their ISO's in OneDrive then
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Maltesespace said:
    So i'm not the only one who stores their ISO's in OneDrive then
    No, you are not only one. Alone the folder where I only have various Windows images is at the moment 87 GB.

    OneDrive delivers unlimited cloud storage to Office 365-2015-04-26_01h57_34.png
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 91
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Haha yes LOL, think mine is at 37 GB :geek:
      My Computer


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