Microsoft Forces the Windows 10 Upgrade on Windows 7 PCs

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  1. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    gator2013 said:
    Do you really think that in 10 years you will be using a patched up, updated/upgraded version of the current W-10? If you do I think you are very naïve. Technology changes and there could be major breakthroughs and the whole computing scene could be radically changed in 10 years. W-10 may very well be the last standalone OS but in 10 years all of it's concepts could be obsolete.

    And BTW, This thread is about the manner in which MS is distributing W-10 which I think is getting sneaky and underhanded.
    FWIW.. that's what MS claimed and I'm just reporting it. Yes, things change but they can do major updates to the current OS to meet the needs of new technology, can't they??
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 353
    Windows 10 Pro

    BunnyJ said:
    It would be suicide if MS did that.
    A few years ago I would have said it would be suicide for M.S. to release an O.S. that..

    1) Gave no choice over updates
    2) Gave no information about updates
    3) Installed 'payware' (solitaire) as default
    4) Shared your bandwidth with other internet users and used your P.C. as a kind of storage device to distribute it's own O.S. by default
    5) Intruded on my current O.S. and used crafty underhand tactics to try and get me to upgrade

    When we are used to have M.S. decide exactly what we have on our PC (if we are running Windows) you cannot predict in any way what they will do, what may seem suicide now, may not seem so bad in the future... after all is free, why complain
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 558
    Windows 10

    zooburner said:
    A few years ago I would have said it would be suicide for M.S. to release an O.S. that..

    1) Gave no choice over updates
    2) Gave no information about updates
    3) Installed 'payware' (solitaire) as default
    4) Shared your bandwidth with other internet users and used your P.C. as a kind of storage device to distribute it's own O.S. by default
    5) Intruded on my current O.S. and used crafty underhand tactics to try and get me to upgrade

    When we are used to have M.S. decide exactly what we have on our PC (if we are running Windows) you cannot predict in any way what they will do, what may seem suicide now, may not seem so bad in the future... after all is free, why complain
    Just wish it was free without the 1 through 5 deal lol.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 139
    Tried 10 Returned to 8.1

    fredc said:
    Just wish it was free without the 1 through 5 deal lol.
    And I will drink to that!
      My Computer

  5. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    . . .does that mean the free El Captain for the mac system of computers was not really free. Does this mean that in the future that Apple is going to start charging me a service charge. . ., or is that only Microsoft that is going to do service charges. . .just wondering; nothing more. . .:)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18
    Windows 8.1

    BunnyJ said:
    If you recall MS said that 10 would be the last OS and from now on it's just upgrades that are going to occur. And just why are you hear?? Just to complain??
    Yes, they said that it would be the "last" OS, but they did not say that there would not be repeated reiterations like 10.2, 10.3,10.11, etc, ad infinium. Each new version could bring changes as dramatic as XP to Vista. Apple did this with their OSX and it's first iteration has very little in common with their current offering. Of course, we've read all this on the internet, so it has be true, right? They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true!

    gator2013 said:
    There is absolutely no way anyone can predict what MS will do in the future. If MS intends to provide an OS as a service I think there will be a service fee sometime in future years just like Office. The OS won't be called Windows 10 but it will be called something and there will be a fee.
    Maybe fees, maybe not, at least for the OS, but each new OS will likely make their other products (like Office) obsolete, requiring us to purchase new versions! Let's face it, Microsoft sells nothing but air! They don't even manufacture the disks that their air (intellectual property) is distributed on!

    BunnyJ said:
    FWIW.. that's what MS claimed and I'm just reporting it. Yes, things change but they can do major updates to the current OS to meet the needs of new technology, can't they??
    Well, probably, but do "YOU" actually know what that "new technology" may possibly be and if it will even be compatible with anything currently available. A perfect example is how in the beginning, IPv4 was adopted as the addressing system, providing what at the time seemed to more more addresses than would ever get used. Now IPv6 is being implemented because, guess what, we were running out of addresses in the IPv4 numbering system!

    With all that said, I just don't like a company forcing me to change for the priveledge of making some of my software (that currently works just fine) obsolete, requiring me to repurchase it or purchase something else!

    Just Sayin'
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 298
    W 7 desktop Home Premium 64 - OS

    I believe the day will come when we will be charged a monthly fee for computer service. I can't see any other reason for MS to do the things they are doing. They want us to accept W 10 so badly that they are forcing it on our computers. There has got to be a reason they are so aggressive with this.

    I saw a get started screen on a print screen photo that said the may be a fee. I wonder what that was about. I checked the photo again and it said there may be an internet fee.
    Last edited by Emma; 17 Oct 2015 at 14:32.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 9

    I still have windows 7 and so far there have been NO forced upgrade attempts so what are you all talking about ?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 172
    Windows 10

    BReeves said:
    Glad I have auto update disabled on all my Windows 7 computers. I kinda like Windows 10 but never did like Microsoft's "we know better than you" stance and taking my choices away.
    I think you're referring to Apple, not Microsoft.

    Steve Jobs is God, and all mortals shall bow down to Him.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 172
    Windows 10

    I find a good analogy with Windows 10 to the recent Free-to-Play trend in the gaming industry.

    It's "free" to play, but they'll nickel and dime us later with all the add-on features. $10 here, and $15 there . . . after a few years, we'd end up paying more than $100 in additional features. This is the reason why all the games are no longer included with Windows 10, and even a fairly essential function such as a DVD player was excluded.
      My Computer


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