Microsoft Forces the Windows 10 Upgrade on Windows 7 PCs
Holy Shirt Batman!
For me, the timing of this debacle is interesting, if not comical, to say least! As a long time Apple user (first confuser in 1998) I have always avoided the Microsoft universe like a plague! I have recently (July 24) purchased my first Windows machine for use with a new school endeavor, including A+, Net+, Security+ and eventually Cisco training and certifications.
I have been absolutely horrified by the whole manner in which MS approaches and handles everything they do, all the way from the methods they employ to try to cajole and now force their will upon users, right down to how they develop new operating systems, by simply writing new code on top of the old (all the way back to Windows 95 at least) and it definitely doesn't appear to be getting any better. The obviously intentional disguising of forced updates/upgrades as items that are needed to keep your system healthy is ludicrous and mind boggling at best!
The more I learn, the more apparent it becomes that my distaste for Windows has been well founded. A phrase coined by Mac users certainly rings true here:
"The day Microsoft makes something that suck will be the day they start making vacuum cleaners!"
I know that's kinda harsh and I realize that training for employment in the IT field requires in depth knowledge and expertise in the most widely used operating system in the world, but come on, this crap is really getting out of hand!
While Apple certainly incorporates the principles of planned obsolescence in everything they develop and sell, I've NEVER experienced anything as insidious as Microsoft's recent antics in Apple Land!
Just My $.02 & Likely Worth Even Less,
Major reason why MS is cautious about removing/upgrading code is that their no.1 goal with a new Windows is backwards compatibility...and that's both Windows' greatest pro and con. If MS made a modern x86 Windows from scratch, without any consideration for backwards compatibility then it wouldn't be the bloated mess we have right now.
It's disgusting that Windows 10 is sluggish on my laptop with an i7 CPU and 4GB of RAM. It was clean installed too. Windows just gets more bloated with every new iteration.
That said, if MS didn't focus on backwards compatibility, then they would have even more trouble selling new versions of Windows, leaner or not.
That said, if MS didn't focus on backwards compatibility, then they would have even more trouble selling new versions of Windows, leaner or not.
Maybe if Microsoft focused on refining what they already have and making it the best it could be rather than trying to re-invent the wheel with new Windows versions, they wouldn't have so many problems and so much bloat.
Thing is I'm not sure any more it was an error, more of a 'lets see if we can get away with this' Microsoft really have been lousy with all this upgrade with all the things they have already to nag you, and upgrade for you why on earth did they need an update that simply goes ahead and installs windows 10 for you. ? People already have that option if indeed that what's it was !
Why the update in the first place ?
PS! I'm commenting on the article, which I'm aware you didn't write not your post
Thats exactly right lol, error my a_ _ .
Someone explain me this. When it comes to smartphones, there is almost literally no refusal to an updated version of the platform even though something could go wrong and brick the one and only communicative device you have that has a lot of important things on it. When it comes to a FREE upgrade of Windows that is better in every way than the oldest version eligible and what parts aren't that great can and will be revised and pumped out, for FREE for everyone. Yet, there is much hesitation in doing so. If anything goes wrong, it's not the end of the world and fixable.
It's like, it boggles my mind. There isn't anything about Windows 10 that has the criticism of 8/8.1, and keeps a lot of form and function of 7 without being overwhelming like 8 was. And it's FREE. And if you don't like it, you can downgrade back. The privacy concerns are such a moot point because if you're using a smartphone, your privacy has already been invaded many times. All that Windows 10 does is make things fairly transparent about what info is being used.
I don't get it. You literally cannot please anyone.
Someone explain me this. When it comes to smartphones, there is almost literally no refusal to an updated version of the platform even though something could go wrong and brick the one and only communicative device you have that has a lot of important things on it. When it comes to a FREE upgrade of Windows that is better in every way than the oldest version eligible and what parts aren't that great can and will be revised and pumped out, for FREE for everyone. Yet, there is much hesitation in doing so. If anything goes wrong, it's not the end of the world and fixable.
It's like, it boggles my mind. There isn't anything about Windows 10 that has the criticism of 8/8.1, and keeps a lot of form and function of 7 without being overwhelming like 8 was. And it's FREE. And if you don't like it, you can downgrade back. The privacy concerns are such a moot point because if you're using a smartphone, your privacy has already been invaded many times. All that Windows 10 does is make things fairly transparent about what info is being used.
I don't get it. You literally cannot please anyone.
Free has no relevance it's the way it's been forced upon people some people think that if something free then they are like kids in a candy store.
what happens in a few years when Microsoft decides to upgrade people from Windows 10 to Windows service (or whatever its called) gives you no or little choice then wants to charge you a monthly fee to keep your own PC running ? you are effectively giving then such permissions by accepting an O.S. that can update/upgrade in any manner it wants and does not give you any choice on the matter, not do they any longer tell you what they are putting on your PC.
It's the precedent that is being set, it's no co-incidence that it's free it's there to condition the weak minded.
Free has no relevance it's the way it's been forced upon people some people think that if something free then they are like kids in a candy store.
what happens in a few years when Microsoft decides to upgrade people from Windows 10 to Windows service (or whatever its called) gives you no or little choice then wants to charge you a monthly fee to keep your own PC running ?
It's the precedent that is being set, it's no co-incidence that it's free it's there to condition the weak minded.
Simple, MS is not going to have a service fee for 10, period.
Simple, MS is not going to have a service fee for 10, period.
I didn't say they were
How do you know they wont simply replace windows 10, that's effectively what they are trying to do with Windows 7 8/8.1 ? will you have any choice in the matter, you already cannot control the updates. ?
I purchased Windows 7 because I Liked Windows 7, I would like to keep Windows 7, but when I have to watch Windows Updates like a hawk to make sure it doesn't 'update for my convenience' then there is something seriously wrong.
Simple, MS is not going to have a service fee for 10, period.
There is absolutely no way anyone can predict what MS will do in the future. If MS intends to provide an OS as a service I think there will be a service fee sometime in future years just like Office. The OS won't be called Windows 10 but it will be called something and there will be a fee.
There is absolutely no way anyone can predict what MS will do in the future. If MS intends to provide an OS as a service I think there will be a service fee sometime in future years just like Office. The OS won't be called Windows 10 but it will be called something and there will be a fee.
It would be suicide if MS did that.
If you recall MS said that 10 would be the last OS and from now on it's just upgrades that are going to occur. And just why are you hear?? Just to complain??
Do you really think that in 10 years you will be using a patched up, updated/upgraded version of the current W-10? If you do I think you are very naïve. Technology changes and there could be major breakthroughs and the whole computing scene could be radically changed in 10 years. W-10 may very well be the last standalone OS but in 10 years all of it's concepts could be obsolete.
And BTW, This thread is about the manner in which MS is distributing W-10 which I think is getting sneaky and underhanded.