@Rolly13 - did a in-place upgrade install as my Start Menu stopped working... but I think I figured out why the gpedit.msc didn't work initially as it's probably the same as this:
How To Enable Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) In Windows 10 Home Edition
where after running the .exe program...
Installing gpedit.msc correctly
If you have 32-bit Windows (x86) then the setup should install smoothly without any problems and you should be able to access the Group Policy Editor through the Microsoft
Management Console by going to Run –> gpedit.msc. But if you have 64-bit Windows (x64) then you will need some extra steps after running the installer. Follow the steps
below after running the installer:
Copy “GroupPolicy”, “GroupPolicyUsers” and gpedit.msc from C:\Windows\SysWOW64 to C:\Windows\System32
as the gpedit.msc they provide is identical to yours with the garbled chinese.
I did not see that update in my CP but when I tried to install it, I got a pop up saying it is already installed. Now I am thinking that it was part of a bigger update and not a separate one.