Secure Boot disabled and so far, all's good. What a trip! Three clean installs later . . .
Well, I'm not going through that again! Now I gotta reinstall everything . . . thankfully I didn't have everything reinstalled before it did it the second time. And even less installed the third time.
Secure Boot - disabled! Still, I wonder how Microsoft managed to make such a huge mistake?
I went to Installation and Setup/Windows Update in Feedback and was surprised to see that no one had reported this issue yet. I reported, but with this many issues right here, I'd assume there will be a whole lot more than us who will have it.
No, we aren't the only one's with this problem. A quick Google turn's up a lot of others.
KB3105208 - Google Search
I have the same failure to boot problem. I did a system restore to get the computer to boot. When I got back into Windows TP I switched to the slow ring to stop the update from reinstalling. When I get home I'll check my bios settings and try again.