I have no problem adapting to the new Settings app, as long as it has ALL the controls that classic Control Panel has. For the time being, unfortunately this is not the case! I only hope Microsoft will make sure every single control is properly migrated to the Settings app before they remove Control Panel. And I mean everything! I hate when I am limited to only basic settings, while in the past I could do many more.
Well, it has only basic settings now, and I'm a bit worried. How can I trust them they will give full functionality at Settings app before they remove Control Panel? I don't like using third-party utilities for a simple task that was previously available in Control Panel.
OK, let's wait and see. Besides there is nothing we can do. Microsoft has already decided and won't listen to us anyway. Let's hope third-party tools will cover any feature non implemented in Settings.
I think the REAL question here is: why?
The "two settings panels" problem was invented by Microsoft in Windows 8. Nobody asked for the "PC Settings app". They invented a problem in which they're now desperately trying to fix.
As someone else mentioned, all you have to do if you're on a tablet is zoom in. The CP works just fine that way.
Microsoft is not desperate. It's their OS. They designed it and built it the way they wanted it and are making the changes they want to. They have said since the beginning that changes to the OS will be made and they are doing it, so What's the big deal? The truth is, no matter what Microsoft does, there will be some people who like it and some who don't. Windows 10 is an evolving OS and we all have to learn to deal with it or go back to Windows 7/8.1 or some other OS we like. You have no idea what they are going to do or how it will be implemented. You have nothing to complain about. You are only complaining about something is going to change. I have news for you. Over the next few years a lot of things are going to change. Some you may like, some you may not. But, change is inevitable. Complaining about something that doesn't exist and you have no idea how it will look when it does exist is simply not logical.
Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
John F. Kennedy