The old Control panel may soon be gone

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  1. Posts : 399
    Windows 10 X64

    People stuck on Windows7 are ex XP lovers, but -that does not mean they are right.

    Windows 10 Build 10565 is bij far the best OS Microsoft ever produced.

    If someone does not want the Metro and don't want it, then don't use it.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    jeffrys said:
    People stuck on Windows7 are ex XP lovers, but -that does not mean they are right.

    Windows 10 Build 10565 is bij far the best OS Microsoft ever produced.

    If someone does not want the Metro and don't want it, then don't use it.

    So true... but some just like to complain.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,834
    Windows 11 Home (x64) Version 21H1 (build 19043.1202)

    Jody Thornton said:
    Here Hear! I haven't visited this forum for about a month, but what I notice out in the real world (meaning away from this forum), there really isn't all that much excitement about Windows 10. Everywhere I go, see, work or read, it 's still either Windows 7, or else most others have just forsaken PCs altogether and joined the Android or iOS world.

    It's only in this forum where it seems the majority thinks we should all get on the Windows 10 train, get rid of Control Panel, embrace the lesser "new" Start Menu, and see everything else before it as obsolete. I am actually glad that I'm still on Vista (SP2 isn't bad at all on a reasonably powerful PC), and I still prefer Windows 8.1 to 10. In fact 10 looks yecchy. I just don't get what all of the hoopla is, I really don't. So I say for those here that like Windows 10; Great! Enjoy it! But I too will be glad that I have Windows 8.1 until January 2023.
    I for one love Windows 10 and I am 67.
    To me it is the best one yet.
    All the other windows I used and I started using windows 95 upwards suck as far as I am concerned.
    I have got rid of my replacement mail app that I used to have to use, as the new one now does the job that I was paying another third party to do the job.
    Have also got rid of third party office as now with windows 10 and Office 2016 my HP printer works as good as gold.
    With vista, 7,8. 8.1 it would not print start from word etc.
    I don't use defender as I have the whole house and phone protected with my antivirus.
    My smart phone also works better with windows 10 transferring doc and photos over.
    I don't like IE11 so have got rid of that and I use Edge.
    Windows 10 is for the future and I will use it until they put me in my box.
    Seems like you only come on here to slag off windows 10.
    So a 110 million downloads of windows 10 is wrong then and that is without the business side of things to come and all the new laptops and computers coming out.
    Up to date I have helped 40 friends get rid of vista and windows 7 and install windows 10.
    Even windows XP was better than vista and 7

    Vista is rubbish and 7 is no better.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 13
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    jeffrys said:
    People stuck on Windows7 are ex XP lovers, but -that does not mean they are right.
    It's a matter of opinion about whether the changes are good or not. Opinions aren't right or wrong. However, the claim that 10 was not designed solely around being the best desktop OS it can be is not in dispute. You may disagree whether that goal was reached with XP, Vista, 7, or any version of MacOS for that matter... but they were all designed only for the desktop.

    Windows 8 and 10 are compromises between two things that don't really need to go together. Each is (at best) a jack of all trades. At worst, 10 is an advertising platform meant to get us to buy other stuff (especially Windows mobile devices) first and a desktop OS second.

    Windows 10 Build 10565 is bij far the best OS Microsoft ever produced.
    Perhaps-- but it's not available to me yet, so I can't judge it. I know that 10240 doesn't even crack my top 5.
    I would put XP on top, 2k second, 7 third, Vista 4th, 9x fifth... with the understanding that each is evaluated in its own time, not by current standards. 9x is not usable by current standards, of course. I've never used any other versions since 9x, so I can't judge them one way or another.

    If someone does not want the Metro and don't want it, then don't use it.
    Isn't the topic of this thread about how the entire control panel is going to be in a Metro app? What are we supposed to do-- never change the settings? If it were as simple as not using Metro, a lot of the contempt for 10 would be alleviated. Even that, though, would not fully solve it. We'd also have to back out all of the design compromises to accommodate metro (elimination of the Classic/basic themes, elimination of Aero glass, making everything flat and stark and white), that would be even better. Maybe the latest insider builds will make some progress with that; I am hopeful about this.

    The analogy someone else made about Windows 10 detractors coming here to post being like AMD users posting at an Nvidia site is not accurate. AMD and Nvidia are competitors; each would prefer that everyone never use the other's product. 7 and 10, though, are supposed to be different versions of the same thing, and the maker of 7 doesn't even sell it anymore, and is very aggressive in trying to push 7 and 8 users to 10. We'd love to have the option of never using the "other" product-- but there is a definite end date for 7 and 8, and we've been told that 10 is the last Windows there will be. There's no definite point beyond which AMD users will be forced to change to Nvidia (other than AMD going belly up, which I hope does not happen).
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 399
    Windows 10 X64

    Well Ascaris,

    i used almost every Windows OS available. Started with Win 98, only XP was skipped for Win2000, since at the time that Win2000 was close to the Server 2000 version which we used at work.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 135,079
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605

    BunnyJ said:
    I would think that this being a Windows "10" forum that the majority of users would be using 10 and that they might be enthusiastic about it. What did you expect?? The majority to slam 10??
    I agree with you on this 100%% Jeff, but Windows 10 will never please everyone. :)
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 399
    Windows 10 X64

    Well Mike, some like Apple, i not at all.

    As said here previously in another topic, bought for the first ime in my life an Apple 6 which i did not like.

    So i gave it to my wife and bought a Samsung Galaxie S6 instead.

    Finally a phone that i want.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 135,079
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605

    jeffrys said:
    Well Mike, some like Apple, i not at all.

    As said here previously in another topic, bought for the first ime in my life an Apple 6 which i did not like.

    So i gave it to my wife and bought a Samsung Galaxie S6 instead.

    Finally a phone that i want.

    From what I've read and seen that Samsung Galaxie S6 is one heck of a nice smart phone!!! :)
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    OldMike65 said:
    I agree with you on this 100%% Jeff, but Windows 10 will never please everyone. :)
    True.. but coming into a windows 10 forum and making a statement like that is just .. well, silly. But, heck if people have nothing better to do than complain about 10 .. heck let them have at it. I'll keep on using it and loving it.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 15,216
    Windows 10 IoT

    BunnyJ said:
    True.. but coming into a windows 10 forum and making a statement like that is just .. well, silly. But, heck if people have nothing better to do than complain about 10 .. heck let them have at it. I'll keep on using it and loving it.
      My Computer


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