The old Control panel may soon be gone

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  1. Posts : 282
    Windows 10, 8.1, 7, and Vista

    WightWalker said:
    Maybe I'm missing something, but I'd be completely lost as how to how to set up some things without the ease of use with the 'old familiar' Control Panel.

    I completely agree that there should only be the one interface, so let's ditch the 'Settings' in preference to the Control Panel.

    IMHO, the only reason that uS has gone the Setting route is to make it look like Apple's OS.
    I agree!!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    bobjoe said:
    Like I said... I know Office 2013/2016 is sold as a one time purchase, but it's absolutely a rip off. $149 for ONE license??? Micro$oft is crazy. Office 2007/2010 gave you THREE licenses per $149 purchase. Microsoft really wants people to move to their "subscription service".
    Well, I was lucky and at the time I had a TechNet subscription so I got it with Win8.1 ISO at the same time, and other things. But, yes.. 149 is a bit much for an everyday user and I would use a nice third party office tool if I didn't sill have the license.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    I'm no coder or programmer, but I'm thinking its a lot easier to move the settings in Control Panel to Settings, than it would be to redo all the Settings in the Modern UI to work in control panel. Especially if your goal is uniformity across the OS. I'll likely get flamed for this but, give up already. No amount of bitching and complaining is going to make Microsoft about face now and make Windows 10 the new Windows 7. It ain't going to happen. I'm not trying to be a smart ass just stating the facts. They are not going back now. If they had waited another year to release Windows 10 we likely wouldn't be having this conversation at all. It would have been done before release. Take it or leave it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 282
    Windows 10, 8.1, 7, and Vista

    alphanumeric said:
    I'm no coder or programmer, but I'm thinking its a lot easier to move the settings in Control Panel to Settings, than it would be to redo all the Settings in the Modern UI to work in control panel. Especially if your goal is uniformity across the OS. I'll likely get flamed for this but, give up already. No amount of bitching and complaining is going to make Microsoft about face now and make Windows 10 the new Windows 7. It ain't going to happen. I'm not trying to be a smart ass just stating the facts. They are not going back now. If they had waited another year to release Windows 10 we likely wouldn't be having this conversation at all. It would have been done before release. Take it or leave it.
    And Microsoft still expects businesses to upgrade from W7... Hahahah!!!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 46
    64-bit 10240 10 Pro

    bobjoe said:
    Look, I'm glad you're supportive of Microsoft's little "SkyNet" idea. If you think it will work, go ahead.

    Micro$oft's ultimate goal is to remove the ability to install desktop programs and lock the OS to the "Windows Store", like Windows RT, iOS, and Android. Microsoft no longer cares about selling operating systems like they used to (why do you think Windows 10 is a free upgrade???). They're now going into the 1st party software businesses. Notice how Office 2013/2016 are subscription-only?
    (Yes I know you can buy it one time but it's a rip off, don't get me started). Have you noticed how the whole goal of Windows 8 and Windows 10 was to increase Windows Phone's marketshare? Again, we know Microsoft doesn't care about Windows anymore. In Windows 8 (and even more so in Windows 10), Microsoft is heavily pushing their "metro apps" idea to get users to buy a Windows Phone instead of an iOS/Android device, but also to incentivise developers to make "apps" for that particular OS . That's where Microsoft sees their future. Mobile OSes. Remember, Windows 10 is the last version of Windows.
    If this is correct them I will begin re-installing Windows 7 very soon.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    bobjoe said:
    And Microsoft still expects businesses to upgrade from W7... Hahahah!!!
    So,, why wouldn't they?? Win7 is not going to be support beyond 5 years and they're focusing in on 10 from now on. It would make sense for business to migrate over to 10. I doubt they'll do it all at one time but it's going to happen.

    And as a coder/programmer with a ton of experience I agree with(@alphanumeric).. having all of the code in one place will make maintenance easy and since they merging all of the platforms that would really be a good idea.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    bobjoe said:
    And Microsoft still expects businesses to upgrade from W7... Hahahah!!!
    Hahaha yourself. Some will, some won't, some already have. All depends on their legacy apps and whether they will run in 10 or not. I do believe those with a software assurance contract get a free upgrade anyway. Windows 10 can be an advantage if your using multiple devices. No having to learn 2 or 3 different interfaces. Your phone looks like your tablet looks like your desktop.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 282
    Windows 10, 8.1, 7, and Vista

    alphanumeric said:
    Your phone looks like your tablet looks like your desktop.
    Why would anyone want this?

    A tablet is one device, a phone is another, a desktop is another.

    They don't need the same interface since they do different things.

    BunnyJ said:
    So,, why wouldn't they?? Win7 is not going to be support beyond 5 years and they're focusing in on 10 from now on. It would make sense for business to migrate over to 10. I doubt they'll do it all at one time but it's going to happen.

    And as a coder/programmer with a ton of experience I agree with(@alphanumeric).. having all of the code in one place will make maintenance easy and since they merging all of the platforms that would really be a good idea.
    5 years is a lot of time. In 5 years, Windows 7 wont be supported any longer, but neither will Windows 10 (mainstream support). Who knows what will happen then? Maybe we'll have Windows 11 or 10.1 or whatever that is actually worthwhile to businesses and educational institutions.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    bobjoe said:
    Why would anyone want this?
    Why wouldn't they? Simplicity in the UI? A common UI across devices? Launching IE would be the same on all devices, why have it different? Opening the Weather App would be the same, again, why make it different. The list goes on. The differences would take care of them selves.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    Some people buy a smart phone so they can do more than just make phone calls. Or a tablet to do more than just watch YouTube videos. Why have a completely different UI just because they are different devices?
      My Computer


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