Skype builds Microsoft Translator into Windows desktop app

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  1. Posts : 148
    Windows 10 1607

    Here, Skype, have the rest of my internet bandwidth while you're at it.:)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    markweatherill said:
    Here, Skype, have the rest of my internet bandwidth while you're at it.:)
    What an utterly nonsense thing to say! If you do not use it, it does naturally use no bandwidth or your PC's resources.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 148
    Windows 10 1607

    Kari said:
    What an utterly nonsense thing to say! If you do not use it, it does naturally use no bandwidth or your PC's resources.
    Yes..... but..... when I do use it....
      My Computer


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