Privacy and Windows 10

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  1. Posts : 889
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    So as I believed, that each personal information/credit is too little valued that MS won't even have enough interest to get involved.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 807
    Win10x64 v2004 latest build fast ring

    What I'm offering to those who are afraid...;)

    For all of those folks worried to the point of distraction by Windows 10, I have decided to provide something special for people obsessed with the notion that their privacy is being violated...without further ado, here is my significant contribution (which I've already shared elsewhere with other lucky websites!):

    If you follow my patented instructions, I will guarantee you 100% privacy, both in your life and on the Internet. Sound good? Yes, it does, doesn't it? Music to your ears. OK, it's simple. You send me a certified cashier's check for $999.95 (cheap price to pay for absolute privacy for the rest of your life, right?) and in return, as soon as it clears your bank, I will send you my exclusive Right To Privacy PhD certificate and brainiac-approved privacy course issued by the prestigious Duck University medical school right here in the US of R (college degree is lifelike and suitable for framing and wall hanging.) Yes, you heard right. I will make you an expert on privacy--amaze your friends, astound your cousins! You will be known henceforth as "the answer man" at parties and social gatherings everywhere!

    You know what?...Since I am among friends here, I'm going to waive my customary fee and simply provide you with the instructions you need to achieve and possibly even maintain 100% privacy in your life, you poor, abused, trampled human being who has been ruthlessly whipped and beaten by the relentless corporate machine! How dare those horrible people offer to give you something free--has to be a honey-pot, right? Got to! Yea! (Please be advised that since I am performing what is essentially a public service that there will be no PhD certificate for you, however, unless and until I receive the above-mentioned remuneration.)

    Patented Instruction #1: Stay at home and never leave your home again, for any reason. The problem with leaving home is one not fully appreciated by lesser minds in the privacy field. I will show you how to stay at home, forever, guaranteeing your freedom from the teeming, slavering, germ-infested mobs that inhabit the highways and byways of all public streets and shopping areas! I even include a few tips on how to keep your home safe from foreclosure and your utilities turned on even though you must, of course, terminate any employment which requires you to leave the sanctity of your home and violates your privacy in the process. My course will teach you how to tear down the foreclosure signs the bank puts up in front of your house, how to successfully hide from the Sheriff when he's sent out to evict you, and how to splice into your neighbor's power lines undetected! Such life-changing knowledge now can be yours!

    Patented Instruction #2: Permanently disconnect from the Internet and cancel your other communications utilities like phone service, etc. Why? Because they can listen in, and they can spy on you as you browse the Internet, right? We both know that they are everywhere, relentlessly set upon divulging even your innermost thoughts if only they can reach them...!

    Don't delay, act today! The only thing you have to lose is your privacy!

    (The above message is brought to you by the Carnegie Institute for Clear Thought & Righteous Satire, and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 889
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    waltc said:
    For all of those folks worried to the point of distraction by Windows 10, I have decided to provide something special for people obsessed with the notion that their privacy is being violated...without further ado, here is my significant contribution (which I've already shared elsewhere with other lucky websites!):

    If you follow my patented instructions, I will guarantee you 100% privacy, both in your life and on the Internet. Sound good? Yes, it does, doesn't it? Music to your ears. OK, it's simple. You send me a certified cashier's check for $999.95 (cheap price to pay for absolute privacy for the rest of your life, right?) and in return, as soon as it clears your bank, I will send you my exclusive Right To Privacy PhD certificate and brainiac-approved privacy course issued by the prestigious Duck University medical school right here in the US of R (college degree is lifelike and suitable for framing and wall hanging.) Yes, you heard right. I will make you an expert on privacy--amaze your friends, astound your cousins! You will be known henceforth as "the answer man" at parties and social gatherings everywhere!

    You know what?...Since I am among friends here, I'm going to waive my customary fee and simply provide you with the instructions you need to achieve and possibly even maintain 100% privacy in your life, you poor, abused, trampled human being who has been ruthlessly whipped and beaten by the relentless corporate machine! How dare those horrible people offer to give you something free--has to be a honey-pot, right? Got to! Yea! (Please be advised that since I am performing what is essentially a public service that there will be no PhD certificate for you, however, unless and until I receive the above-mentioned remuneration.)

    Patented Instruction #1: Stay at home and never leave your home again, for any reason. The problem with leaving home is one not fully appreciated by lesser minds in the privacy field. I will show you how to stay at home, forever, guaranteeing your freedom from the teeming, slavering, germ-infested mobs that inhabit the highways and byways of all public streets and shopping areas! I even include a few tips on how to keep your home safe from foreclosure and your utilities turned on even though you must, of course, terminate any employment which requires you to leave the sanctity of your home and violates your privacy in the process. My course will teach you how to tear down the foreclosure signs the bank puts up in front of your house, how to successfully hide from the Sheriff when he's sent out to evict you, and how to splice into your neighbor's power lines undetected! Such life-changing knowledge now can be yours!

    Patented Instruction #2: Permanently disconnect from the Internet and cancel your other communications utilities like phone service, etc. Why? Because they can listen in, and they can spy on you as you browse the Internet, right? We both know that they are everywhere, relentlessly set upon divulging even your innermost thoughts if only they can reach them...!

    Don't delay, act today! The only thing you have to lose is your privacy!

    (The above message is brought to you by the Carnegie Institute for Clear Thought & Righteous Satire, and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.)
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 1,557
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    Some of those commenter's brought up some good points. They will need to rewrite the EULA before some will believe them and one commenter is a developer.

    My concern is the E.U.L.A. says they collect passwords and record sites you visit. They never said anything about that. Why would they need to record a site you visit using Firefox? Storing or uploading password that related to Microsoft Account or app purchase that ok with me.

    Another thing that bugs me it says they may turn over data to legal authority? If they don't collect data, how would they know what data to turn over? Just for the record I am not doing anything illegal.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 889
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    So go for it! Challenging MS to get answers to you. We'll be glad to see What the outcome is?
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 2,487
    Windows 10 Home, 64-bit


    From Shawn's original post, someone named "Terry" writes:

    1: Windows 10 collects information so the product will work better for you.

    2. You are in control with the ability to determine what information is collected.

    Does "You are in control with the ability to" mean "You can"?

    You'd think so, but who would dare assume that?

    If it does mean "you can", how can statement 1 be true?

    That is: If I can determine what information is collected, how can Microsoft collect anything? Can I or can't I choose "nothing". If I cannot choose "nothing", how can statement 2 be true? If I can choose "nothing", how can statement 1 be true?

    Or does statement 2 actually mean "You can determine what information is collected, within certain limitations that Microsoft alone can set. Microsoft reserves the right to collect certain information, irrespective of your choices."

    It appears to be as Humpty Dumpty famously informed Alice: "when I use a word, it means exactly what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less."

    Communication in standard English doesn't appear to be Microsoft's (or "Terry's") strong suit. Pity neither can hire a native English speaker to examine what they put out, rather than continually stepping in it.
      My Computer

  7. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    Just love reading this sutff. . .it gives me a good laugh. . .
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 558
    Windows 10

    ignatzatsonic said:

    From Shawn's original post, someone named "Terry" writes:

    1: Windows 10 collects information so the product will work better for you.

    2. You are in control with the ability to determine what information is collected.

    Does "You are in control with the ability to" mean "You can"?

    You'd think so, but who would dare assume that?

    If it does mean "you can", how can statement 1 be true?

    That is: If I can determine what information is collected, how can Microsoft collect anything? Can I or can't I choose "nothing". If I cannot choose "nothing", how can statement 2 be true? If I can choose "nothing", how can statement 1 be true?

    Or does statement 2 actually mean "You can determine what information is collected, within certain limitations that Microsoft alone can set. Microsoft reserves the right to collect certain information, irrespective of your choices."

    It appears to be as Humpty Dumpty famously informed Alice: "when I use a word, it means exactly what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less."

    Communication in standard English doesn't appear to be Microsoft's (or "Terry's") strong suit. Pity neither can hire a native English speaker to examine what they put out, rather than continually stepping in it.
    You understand it perfectly , i keep thinking that why is it so obvious to some and totally confusing to others , many clearly don't get it and thats unfortunate .

    Bottom line , some don't mind being deceived and some do , it's really just that simple .
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 12,806
    Windows 11 Pro

    BTW, I believe the 'someone named Terry' is Terry Myerson, Executive Vice President of Windows Development Group.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    essenbe said:
    BTW, I believe the someone named Terry is Terry Myerson, Executive Vice President of Windows Development Group.
    Steve, you shouldn't have revealed that!

    For the fun factor of this ongoing debate, purposely misinterpreting the words from "someone called Terry" makes it much easier to discredit and twist the message than to do the same with words from a specifically named MS excutive.
      My Computer


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