No, i'm saying that if you took this thing apart and laid it out in the form factor of a Surface, it would take up less space than the current components do. The thickness is a function of the fact things are stacked vertically rather than laid out horizontally.
My point is, no. It does not take a "tank" or a large space to give me what I need. They're perfectly capable of making what I want, in the form factor I want. They just aren't doing it.
Hi there
They won't make for "general purpose" a machine that possibly only 3 people would want - but I'm sure if you took your specs to someone with exactly what you wanted they could make a one-off for you --probably cost many thousands of dollars though !!!
Everybody wants different machines - what goes out into the market is usually if ENOUGH people want a typical type of machine.
I'm not having a go at you -- you obviously know what you want - but the Market doesn't perceive enough people want that sort of device to make volume production -- nothing to stop you commissioning a "one off" though. !!
I guarantee there are plenty of people that would like a surface pro with all the existing specs, except 16GB.
Target only one specific sector and how do you expect to make any money on an over priced device :/
Apple already owns that sector
I guess you'll have to wait and see if Dell picks it up and you can build your own Surface :)
Probably going to need a car battery though
Why would you think more memory would require a car battery? That's ridiculous. Yes, it's certainly not free in terms of power consumption, but RAM is one of the least power hungry parts of the system. The display, disk drive, and CPU take far more.
Hi there
while 16GB of RAM sounds nice - the sort of stuff I run - especially on a portable type device - 8GB is quite reasonable - and I can even run some VM's on it too.
These devices aren't really intended to replace serious DESKTOPS or specialized machines like Gaming machines etc - but will certainly replace a typical Laptop or even an OLD workplace bog standard Desktop (often these had MEASLY amounts of RAM in them too).
Don't forget also you've got a decent built in 4K capable graphics card built in too !!.