When my Windows 10 machine asked me if I preferred Control Panel or PC settings I vented my spleen in the feedback box and let them know they need to separate out the Metro interface and use Desktop tools with the desktop interface and I do not care what they do with the modern interface. Just separate them and keep the users happy.
If M$ wants one OS that fits all (didn't work for clothing sizes but M$ didn't learn from that), they could make it modular and people (and manufacturers) could install only the features they want (or the hardware can support). Otherwise, I feel it is doomed to failure.
I personally do not like AeroGlass and have it turned off. But I was able to make that choice instead of having one rammed down my throat. My only objections to Win 10 right now are the necessity to use tiles in the Start Menu for items that appeared as a simple list on the right side of the Win 7 Start Menu and the flat appearance of windows due to the lack of color shading and window shadowing. The latter may seem like a cosmetic issue but, for me, color shading and window shadowing makes reading items on a screen much easier on my eyes and brain; otherwise, everything blurs together. It's like going back to my Commodore C64c. This is progress?
NT isn't a true Microkernel, but it's Microkernel-inspired
What we know as Windows is not the true NT OS, that's the ntoskrnl, which doesn't have any real user interface. That's why WinRT (ie Metro) could just as easily become the primary OS at some point, leaving Win32 (what we know as Windows or the Desktop) to be a windowed subsystem.
I don't think IBM got there either with OS/2. But I;m not sure. Last v I used was 3.0.
The idea being "one OS for all platforms" isn't stupid if you install the modular components needed for the platform. It's lazy and lame just to have clumps of spaghetti code for every possible platform, install it all, and just call the clump needed at run time.
The micro kernel comment was referring to the former approach.
Edit: Speaking of alternative shells and such, just for grins I'm going to try one on a W7 VM.Just to see what happens. :)
OS/2 was never a Microkernel at all. It was very monolithic