Microsoft pushes Windows 10 upgrade to PCs without user consent

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    Microsoft pushes Windows 10 upgrade to PCs without user consent

    Microsoft pushes Windows 10 upgrade to PCs without user consent

    Posted: 15 Sep 2015

    OUCH! But that upgrade over one 7 install didn't go so well! First a look a the report!

    Microsoft pushes Windows 10 upgrade to PCs without user consent

    Confirms it has been silently downloading massive upgrade to Windows machines via automatic updates, chewing up bandwidth and storage space

    By Gregg Keizer

    Computerworld|Sep 11, 2015 12:59 PM PT

    Microsoft today confirmed it has been pre-loading the Windows 10 installation bits onto devices whose owners have not "reserved" a copy or expressed interest in the new OS.
    The move has upset some users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, who have complained that the unsolicited downloads have caused them to exceed their Internet providers' data caps or seized storage space without their consent.

    In a statement, Microsoft acknowledged the practice, which was first reported by The Inquirer on Thursday.
    "For those who have chosen to receive automatic updates through Windows Update, we help customers prepare their devices for Windows 10 by downloading the files necessary for future installation," a company spokeswoman said in an email. "This results in a better upgrade experience and ensures the customer's device has the latest software. This is an industry practice that reduces time for installation and ensures device readiness."

    If Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 device owners have Windows Update set to the default -- and Microsoft-recommended -- option that lets the operating system download and install security and other bug fixes automatically in the background, Microsoft will push the Windows 10 upgrade files to the drive.

    see report in full

    So why didn't 10 simply upgrade over 7 automatically? Well in Windows 7 the option of checking for and prompting the user or never are two alternative options to prevent updates from simply going on automatically without prior notification. The manual check on the 10 app suddenly one day(Sept. 1st) start downloading the previously reserved in mid June copy but too late! 10 was already set up in a dual boot with 7.

    Others report finding 10 had already gone on from having left everything to the automatic setting. How to prevent an unplanned or unwanted upgrade especially if you already have 10 set up in a dual boot situation? The Windows Update setting in the Control Panel are the place to start. The solution here will be the already scheduled need for a long over due clean install of 7 first getting things on 10 organized a bit?

    But what if the 10 app returns for some reason afterwards? Well 10 has already been released since the app was first seen prior to 10's launch date. A clean install on a second machine of 7 Pro so far hasn't even seen the 10 app appear as that was seen to after the launch date. Keeping the option to never or with 8 or 8.1 the option to defer updates or schedule restarts preferred and recommended are one way to prevent the automatic upgrade over the previous version if you trying to keep a dual boot or simply not ready to upgrade to 10.
    Night Hawk's Avatar Posted By: Night Hawk
    15 Sep 2015

  1. Posts : 630

    This is really pushing the envelope. What bothers me most, is the fact that I explicitly opted out and yet the icon an all remain. Doesn't Microsoft get it? When I say NO I mean NO?

    Are they really that desperate that they feel the need to try and force people into switching? When I said no, the icon should have been removed and all future references to it.
      My Computer

  2. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    Trust_No1 said:
    This is really pushing the envelope. What bothers me most, is the fact that I explicitly opted out and yet the icon an all remain. Doesn't Microsoft get it? When I say NO I mean NO?

    Are they really that desperate that they feel the need to try and force people into switching? When I said no, the icon should have been removed and all future references to it.
    . . .Oh Microsoft forced this on you. . .wow. . .interesting. . .:)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,218
    Windows 10 IoT

    Lee said:
    . . .Oh Microsoft forced this on you. . .wow. . .interesting. . .:)
    I do believe the Get Windows 10 application installs via Windows update automatically, If you have Windows update on the default settings. Even if you uninstall that update, you have to then block it/hide it or it will just install again. If you reserve your upgrade, a big download ensues. It looks like it downloads anyway even if you take no action. Not a good thing for some with limited bandwidth and or limited hard drive space. If it actually does the upgrade on its own then that's even worse. So you were saying?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending
    Thread Starter

    If you have a previous version set to receive updates and install them automatically chances are 10 will automatically download. Even as an update any upgrading of an OS still requires user interaction! First off you have to select language as well as agree to the license agreement for the installation to continue.

    Following the initial restart once all of the setup files are in place you then have to enter your new admin user account information. That also takes user interaction even though that will be during the last stage of the upgrade. And then you still have the option to reverse the upgrade to revert back to the previous version. As for the 10 app that simply appears automatically by way of the updates while that is for reserving your copy which you have to then click on and sign up to receive providing a valid email address.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 353
    Windows 10 Pro

    Trust_No1 said:
    This is really pushing the envelope. What bothers me most, is the fact that I explicitly opted out and yet the icon an all remain. Doesn't Microsoft get it? When I say NO I mean NO?

    Are they really that desperate that they feel the need to try and force people into switching? When I said no, the icon should have been removed and all future references to it.
    Microsoft really aren't helping themselves are they.. this after all the miss information about what data was actually being collected via windows 10.
    I too think No should mean no, I'm reinstalling Windows 7 next week but have spent some time looking to see if there is a way to re-install 7 without all the GWX (Get Windows 10) and telemetry updates. As a result I have a list of about 15 updates to NOT install and also this link which may be of help to you.

    How to Stop Windows 7 or 8 from Downloading Windows 10 Automatically

    This was sent to me by another user and seems to offer a way to stop windows 7 going down the upgrade route.

      My Computer

  6. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    Night Hawk said:
    If you have a previous version set to receive updates and install them automatically chances are 10 will automatically download. Even as an update any upgrading of an OS still requires user interaction! First off you have to select language as well as agree to the license agreement for the installation to continue.

    Following the initial restart once all of the setup files are in place you then have to enter your new admin user account information. That also takes user interaction even though that will be during the last stage of the upgrade. And then you still have the option to reverse the upgrade to revert back to the previous version. As for the 10 app that simply appears automatically by way of the updates while that is for reserving your copy which you have to then click on and sign up to receive providing a valid email address.
    Makes sense. . . :). . .of course there are those. . .
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,557
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    Shouldn't Microsoft at least run a compatibility upgrade to make sure those computer can be upgraded to windows 10 before downloading windows 10 updates to their machines if the machine is set to download updates automatically?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 15,218
    Windows 10 IoT

    The Get Windows 10 Application checks for compatibility and gives you a report. I assume if your system isn't compatible it won't do the download. It won't let you reserve your upgrade if it isn't.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 10,311
    Wndows 10 Pro x64 release preview channel

    alphanumeric said:
    The Get Windows 10 Application checks for compatibility and gives you a report. I assume if your system isn't compatible it won't do the download. It won't let you reserve your upgrade if it isn't.
    That's correct Alpha, my works PC has an old Nvidia Quadro card in it for which there isn't a Win 10 compatible driver. It wouldn't let me reserve a copy. I've still left the Win 10 icon in the tray and check ocasionally but it just informs me my PC is not compatible.
    On that same screen it does ask if I want to buy a new PC though :)
      My Computer


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