Windows 10sion: What's Old Is New Again

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  1. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    LMiller7 said:
    You must be quite young, at least by my standards. Young people embrace change, often for it's own sake. The older you get the more difficult it becomes. At my age I can easily understand someone wishing to stay with XP.
    I agree that when younger we have to have the latest just for change sake to be cool amongst peers, but we're all geeks here whether young or old. Of course we're all going to try the next Windows OS.

    I'm 63 and starting to have "senior moments" where I can't remember jack! I still have a good memory. It's just that it's getting shorter. Heck, I have to keep a Word file called Forum Notes where upon one segment is tech terms that sometimes I just don't remember!

    Besides reading and the brain exercise sites I can't think of a better way to exercise the brain other than these forums, helping out with the latest released OS, and learning a new OS. It sure keeps this old guy on my toes. :)
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 9,653
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    but we're all geeks here whether young or old. Of course we're all going to try the next Windows OS.
    Couldn't agree more. Except for Vista, I've tried out each new Windows OS since I bought my first PC back in 1997. The only one I had really bad luck with was Millenium, but that was probably due to hardware issues more than anything else. So far, W8 has been the most stable OS I've ever used. Yes, even more stable than W7, which is still very good. I suspect the final release of W10 will be more stable and secure than all previous versions, so I will more than likely buy the upgrade if the price is right.
      My Computer


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