Windows Technical Preview weighs in around 4GB...

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  1. Posts : 62
    Windows 10 Home, build 10586.218

    4GB is fine, IMHO. But do we know when we'll be able to actually download it? Tomorrow? By the end of the week? Next week? :|
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Clam said:
    4GB is fine, IMHO. But do we know when we'll be able to actually download it? Tomorrow? By the end of the week? Next week? :|
    As far as I know from the information that's been posted it was supposed to be on the 30th but I think the plan is for the first week in October now.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 14,586
    Windows 10 Professional x64

    4GB fits nice on a DVD
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Stephanie said:
    4GB fits nice on a DVD
    I found a nice Kingston 8GB USB/Ram Stick on Amazon for 5.38US. I'm placing an order on Friday so I thought, why not. I can use that multiple times and it's around the price of 10 DVD's at Walmart. Check out the UK site of Amazon and see what the price is. It's a great deal. Kingston Digital 8GB DataTraveler 101 G2 USB 2.0 Drive - Red (DT101G2/8GBZET): Electronics
      My Computer

  5.   My Computer

  6. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    About the same price.. I think it's a great deal.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 346
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit 21H2 (19043.1348)

    If this is over 4gb, won't that make it impossible to load on a USB for UEFI install? fat32 has a 4GB limit?
    I made a Win 7 Ultimate install with ALL the updates up to and including most of September's and a few drivers added in but I could NOT format it to use for UEFI install, the warning in Rufus says that can't format in fat32 over 4GB.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Pendaws said:
    If this is over 4gb, won't that make it impossible to load on a USB for UEFI install? fat32 has a 4GB limit?
    I made a Win 7 Ultimate install with ALL the updates up to and including most of September's and a few drivers added in but I could NOT format it to use for UEFI install, the warning in Rufus says that can't format in fat32 over 4GB.
    Good point.. I'll stick with the DVD's.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 15,221
    Windows 10 IoT

    badrobot said:
    What I don't understand is why some people even consider the idea of upgrading their existing working OS or dual boot it with something in beta or preview version (unless they mean upgrading a cloned copy).

    Save yourselves the trouble. Spare $20 and get this: Famous Brand 80GB Hard Drive - 3.5, SATA (UNQ00310003) (Refurbished) at

    Then download the ISO when it's released and play it safe.

    I have 4 of those 80GB hard drives for "playing" purposes.


    Some will see the word "free" and not think about the consequences. Or think it will be easy to go back to 8.x when they chose. The list goes on, as they say. The device you chose to install it on may also limit your options. Adding another drive is a good suggestion, but may not be doable on a tablet or laptop. You can make a long list of reasons why somebody shouldn't do something and they will still do it.
      My Computer


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