5 more killer features Windows 9 should steal from Linux

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  1. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    elhassan said:
    Linux still the best os and Windows will never reach it
    According to StatCounter it looks like Windows reached 90% of tower desktop PCs alone. Linux is 1.23%. Why is that?

    Attachment 5179
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  2. Posts : 30,617
    Mint 22.1

    HippsieGypsie said:
    According to StatCounter it looks like Windows reached 90% of tower desktop PCs alone. Linux is 1.23%. Why is that?

    Attachment 5179
    Because there are not many computer geeks in the world.LOL
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    labeeman said:
    Because there are not many computer geeks in the world. LOL
    Exactly. And that leads into a post I already have on the board in Word. Thank you, my good friend. :)

    If the latest Windows 9 leaks are any indication, some of the operating system's coolest new features will look a lot like what Linux users already enjoy
    The author states Linux, but not how many different distros? He mentioned 2 in his leading paragraphs.

    Every popular Linux desktop environment………
    Every popular one? Just not all?

    MS Windows has it in one OS distribution and with added features in every new edition/distribution, so what's the point of the article again? Linux has it in different distributions, but not in one?

    This is why it continues to not be "The year of Linux". This may be fine for geeks who like to toy around with distros, but for most part of enterprise and especially the commoners it'll never fly. Why? > Not all in one distro.

    However, I have a friend that's an IT manager of a large NFP medical certification company that doesn't use MS products whatsoever, but tells me they spend a ton of money buying other software licenses, on labor engineering open source and implementing packages that fits their needs. I would think it's a tradeoff between MS (or any other) licensing and labor. Yes? Then there’s the maintenance of it all, which is the majority of the expense.

    A package manager (a.k.a. desktop app store)
    And the redundant....

    Software repositories (aka an open app store)
    Well, personally I don't want a package manager and software repositories for desktop apps alone, especially made up by a community that seems to be all over the place. In fact, I don’t want any desktop apps any longer. I think the walled-garden Modern Store apps are a much better and safer approach to computing. I’ll rely on a store from a much more established software company that’s been in business for over 3 decades. When they release Modern Office I’ll be 90% Modern, so only 10% need for a desktop.

    This may sound like a little feature, but it’s a huge one for window management. Every popular Linux desktop environment lets you right-click a window’s titlebar and select “Always on top.”
    Well, after all these years one would think MS would've included this simple feature if costumers needed it. Personally I didn't. This is not to say it's not a nice feature.

    Web app integration
    Geez. There’s a safe place to be > The Web! Like I stated earlier > I’ll stay in the garden. I may on very few occasions use a desktop browser when I’m out and about, but for the most part not.

    Personally, all in all, I'm trying to ease up my time with managing computing devices, not make it more complicated and time consuming. MS is performing that for me. I have better things in life to do > like writing posts.
    Last edited by Tony K; 21 Sep 2014 at 10:24.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 470
    Windows 10 Pro For Workstations

    I am most definitely a "Proud Geek" and although I do play with a few Linux distros I prefer Windows. There is just so much software you can buy or even get for free on Windows. Plus trying to get some things to install on Linux is a B***H. Even simple operations like installing VMWare tools is not east as it should be. With Windows you run the set up and its done. In Linux you have to mount the DVD, open and save the package locally, decompress it and then run a bunch of command line prompts to get it to install and watch a mass of stuff fly by in the window and hope it has installed. After all these years if Linux is to succeed it needs a set up operation like Windows. Yes I know every Linux distro comes with packages to install but if you want something that is slightly unusual forget it.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 9,653
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    I have played around with various Linux Distros for a number of years now and would happily use them as my main OS, if I could find open source software packages capable of replacing the Windows based software I use frequently.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18
    Win 8.1

    HippsieGypsie said:
    According to StatCounter it looks like Windows reached 90% of tower desktop PCs alone. Linux is 1.23%. Why is that?
    I think labeeman already answered you but i want to add that when you think about the security of your data you will never use windows.

    It's totally true that a lot of programmes not available in linux like windows for that Sometimes I hate it but i am using Microsoft Windows for developing because More than 80% of the desktop/laptops in the world run some sort of Windows operating system.

    its all about money lol......but for personal use no doubt Linux ...even i feel really happy using it because of the design.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    elhassan said:
    I think labeeman already answered you but i want to add that when you think about the security of your data you will never use windows.
    If you're speaking of the old Windows, yeah. If you're speaking of the new, no. From time to time we read of instances where personal data gets breached. Not so much on personal computers, but corporate. The commoners may not understand it, but we geeks do.

    I received a call from my bank on the 10th that my bank card "may have been compromised" because of purchases at "that certain home center corp", therefore they mailed me a new one. Five months ago it was because of purchases at a fairly large food store chain. Why did they get breached? Because both are continuing to use XP. I'm glad my bank was on top of things.

    Lol! The home center breach happened on the 8th and I just received an email from them apologizing for "the frustration and anxiety this may cause you" and "we confirmed that the malware used in the breach has been eliminated from our U.S. and Canadian stores and that we have completed a major payment security project that provides enhanced encryption of payment data at point of sale throughout our U.S. stores, offering significant new protection for customers". No mention of upgrading their system!

    Sure, you'll take our money for $billions in profit, but to spend some on upgrading your system to keep our data safe is not in the plan?!! XP is how old?!! I'll be shopping elsewhere, thank you!

    Rant over > Back to the subject at hand >

    Two words as I tried to explain in my last post > Walled garden. Then we hear/read > Oh my! MS is mimicking Apple. So what?! If it's a safer system why not? It's really no shame to admit defeat and move on to something safer. I figure that the less time I spend in a browser, the better off I am. The Internet has gotten to be a nasty place.

    Then we hear/read > If they breach the wall then everyone gets breached. I'll trust MS's encrypted servers and their firewalls before I trust others' and even on my own devices. The more walls the better.

    It's totally true that a lot of programmes not available in linux like windows for that Sometimes I hate it but i am using Microsoft Windows for developing because More than 80% of the desktop/laptops in the world run some sort of Windows operating system.

    its all about money lol......but for personal use no doubt Linux ...even i feel really happy using it because of the design.
    Like I stated, if you or anyone enjoys that kind of kind of thing all the more power to you or them. It's simply not my cup of tea and don't have the time.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    HippsieGypsie said:
    According to StatCounter it looks like Windows reached 90% of tower desktop PCs alone. Linux is 1.23%. Why is that?
    I read on another blog that StatCounter only includes commercial Red Hat installations, everything else is ignored (I don't know if that is true).

    Using that same argument; why does Windows for phones/tablets have such low market share numbers?

    HippsieGypsie said:
    Two words as I tried to explain in my last post > Walled garden. Then we hear/read > Oh my! MS is mimicking Apple. So what?! If it's a safer system why not? It's really no shame to admit defeat and move on to something safer. I figure that the less time I spend in a browser, the better off I am. The Internet has gotten to be a nasty place.

    Then we hear/read > If they breach the wall then everyone gets breached. I'll trust MS's encrypted servers and their firewalls before I trust others' and even on my own devices. The more walls the better.
    The reason for a "Walled Garden" is "tax" (i.e. profit).

    In theory a "Walled Garden" can be safer.
    However I haven't seen any studies that prove it and based on Android it seems that the claim is shaky (even Linux Repositories have been interfered with).

    Unlike Fort Knox, an online "Walled Garden" can be attacked at any time, from any country in the world.
    I think that the US might notice 100,000 people, carrying empty sacks, heading for Fort Knox.
    Last edited by lehnerus2000; 21 Sep 2014 at 21:55.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    lehnerus2000 said:
    I read on another blog that StatCounter only includes commercial Red Hat installations, everything else is ignored (I don't know if that is true).
    Ok, then let's double it at 3% > Triple it at 6% at most. Does adding up all the rest equal 100% then?

    Using that same argument; why does Windows for phones/tablets have such low market share numbers?
    Wasn’t trying to argue, but ok > If including convertibles, then tablets aren’t doing too badly, but admittedly could do better. Phones not so good. Reasons are domination/popularity and price. It’s a mystery as to why MS didn’t release their PDA they created way back when, other than they weren’t in the hardware business, save some peripherals, accessories, and Xbox.

    Apple introduced Hollywood iWear devices, which is nothing but overpriced costume jewelry IMO. A cultural fashion trend. “You’re not in unless you have iWear”. iPhone basically kick started the smart phone craze. IPad soon followed. Google with Android soon followed with it being free phone OS. MS simply missed the boat. Too late to the game. Difficult to ease into the market now.

    Now MS is in the hardware business. I had to laugh at their "Hollywood hype rah rah" advertising campaign with the Surface. I see they've finally toned it down and aiming it at business with the Surface 3 and rightfully so. They will slowly gain traction, especially with their goal of similar OSs across all devices. WP OS is now a free license, but they won’t hand them out to just anyone. OEM must meet certain criteria with hardware, but more manufacturers are getting into the game.

    And what was that other free open source phone OS they tried to raise money for? I don't remember.

    The reason for a "Walled Garden" is "tax" (i.e. profit).
    God forbid anyone make money on protecting customers and opening a store to give developers exposure to make money. Haven't seen the figures, but I'll bet MS is breaking even or even losing money on that venture at this point. I know they're losing a ton on services, however, they make a lot in other divisions.

    Personally I have yet to spend all of the $50 MS Store gift card I received for purchasing my Lumia through them at the first of the year. I use it for buying or upgrading Modern Store apps. It's not like they're all that expensive.

    In theory a "Walled Garden" can be safer.
    However I haven't seen any studies that prove it and based on Android it seems that the claim is shaky (even Linux Repositories have been interfered with).
    Like many endeavors time will tell.

    Unlike Fort Knox, an online "Walled Garden" can be attacked at any time, from any country in the world.
    Let's face it > Nothing is 100% foolproof not even Fort Knox is safe ultimately, but if one keeps on doing what one is doing, one keeps on getting what one is getting. MS has fought security from the get go mostly due to popularity. A hackers' and malware haven. Time for a new approach.

    I think that the US might notice 100,000 people, carrying empty sacks, heading for Fort Knox.
    Let them come. There's a lot of security and walls to have to get through.

    BTW, gold doesn't back our money anymore. It's been that way for years. Nothing but the name of the U.S. Backs it. That's scary in itself. Not sure how much gold is left there. A theory that most has been sold off to the rich. Money in any form will be worthless some day due to an economical collapse. Gold will always contain value no matter what.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 803
    10 Pro Preview x64

    Statcounter is based on the website traffic to the specific site though no? You'd expect more Windows users on a Windows forum surely.
    HippsieGypsie said:
    Gold will always contain value no matter what.
    :) Can't eat it though.
      My Computer


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