A First Look at the Windows Technical Preview

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    A First Look at the Windows Technical Preview

    A First Look at the Windows Technical Preview

    Posted: 19 Sep 2014

    New build 9841

    In less than two weeks, Microsoft will begin revealing information about the Windows Technical Preview, the first pre-release look at the next version of Windows. The actual Preview won't be out until October, I'm told. But there's no reason to wait: Here's what you're going to see.

    Flashorn's Avatar Posted By: Flashorn
    19 Sep 2014

  1. Posts : 372
    Windows 10

    So, they're still gonna try to foist metro turd crap upon the desktop users space.

    Looks like Classic Shell will still be required to fix this turkey.

    So be it.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,453

    Rickkins said:
    So, they're still gonna try to foist metro turd crap upon the desktop users space.

    Looks like Classic Shell will still be required to fix this turkey.

    So be it.
    Metro/ModernUI is the new Windows - no getting away from that... that's what makes the 'Enterprise' tech preview interesting .. just to see how it may fit into a corporate environment..

    PS.. Not that I personally use it.
    Last edited by Superfly; 19 Sep 2014 at 14:44.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 372
    Windows 10

    Superfly said:
    Metro/ModernUI is the new Windows
    Well, that's not entirely accurate. They wanted it to be the new windows, but their users by and large rejected it, so....
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,453

    Rickkins said:
    Well, that's not entirely accurate. They wanted it to be the new windows, but their users by and large rejected it, so....
    So..? It's about the greater eco-system... it's not what the users want.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 470
    Windows 10 Pro For Workstations

    Rickkins said:
    So, they're still gonna try to foist metro turd crap upon the desktop users space.

    Looks like Classic Shell will still be required to fix this turkey.

    So be it.
    Correct they are. They have polished the turd. Now you have a polished turd for an OS.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 372
    Windows 10

    Superfly said:
    So..? It's about the greater eco-system... it's not what the users want.
    Yea, they tried that theory with 8 & metro turd.
    How'd that work out...???
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 9,653
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    You can pin items like desktop applications, Modern apps, folders and contacts to the Start menu. Pinned items appear on the right side of the menu as tiles, and you can resize individual tiles and position them as you wish, as with today's Windows 8 Start screen.
    Since it appears that you can pin items to the right side of the new Start Menu, I assume you will be able to unpin them as well, which would make the new Start Menu more like the W7 Start Menu.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 372
    Windows 10

    Yea, if we can unpin the metro stuff, it'll be better.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 81
    Windows 7 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    OK you guys, if W9 is such a turd then, why aren't you on Linux or OSX?

    If you have read the article, you will see that you can Pin or Unpin any
    programs that you like to see there. You can even make it like W7 and have
    No tiles showing.

    This is not what concerns me most, it's the way you access files and other
    libraries. Also, all of our little tools that we depend so much on, will they
    work just as well on W9.

    I guess I will find out soon enough as I will be downloading a copy as soon
    as it become available to the public.

    I skipped W8 because I didn't like it. (installed and Uninstalled a few days later)
    I usually don't skip an OS because I too am curious enough to see whats new
    and how it works but , in W8's case, it was just not my cup of tea.

    Hope to get better results with Window 9 or whatever they decide to call it.

      My Computers


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