Metro 2.0 Not Yet Ready in Windows 9, Full Focus on the...

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    Metro 2.0 Not Yet Ready in Windows 9, Full Focus on the...

    Metro 2.0 Not Yet Ready in Windows 9, Full Focus on the...

    Posted: 13 Sep 2014

    Now it’s a sure thing that Microsoft is going to significantly improve the desktop in Windows 9, but according to sources that revealed some of the other features to be part of this release, the Metro interface is also expected to get a major overhaul as well.

    The existing testing Windows 9 builds that were sent to partners this month do not come with improvements in the Modern UI, with tipsters pointing out that no changes would be part of the preview version aimed at users and due later this month.

    It appears that the new Metro UI is not yet ready and Microsoft focused exclusively on the desktop for the very first builds of Windows 9, as this particular side of the operating system received the most complaints in the past two years.
    labeeman's Avatar Posted By: labeeman
    13 Sep 2014

  1. Posts : 9,652
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    Interactive live tiles on the Start screen would be a nice feature. But I'll bet you the stomachs of a few hardcore W7 enthusiasts will turn sour at the mention of Metro 2.0!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 29,587
    Mint 21.3
    Thread Starter

    LittleJay said:
    Interactive live tiles on the Start screen would be a nice feature. But I'll bet you the stomachs of a few hardcore W7 enthusiasts will turn sour at the mention of Metro 2.0!
    I do not think it can get any worse than Metro 1 any thing will be better than what they have now.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 302
    Windows 10 10586

    Odd they don't have the modern side readied. But then again, this preview build is to be called the Windows Technology Preview geared for the enterprise, so it makes sense.

    Bet you a Bitcoin that on the day they show off everything new with Windows, we'll get to see what's in store. More like, I'LL get to see what's in store as this mini Start Screen menu is such a drag!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 372
    Windows 10

    LittleJay said:
    Interactive live tiles on the Start screen would be a nice feature. But I'll bet you the stomachs of a few hardcore W7 enthusiasts will turn sour at the mention of Metro 2.0!
    The, and I quote "few hardcore W7 enthusiasts" you refer to represents about 90% of windows users. Keep that metro for those who like it, I have no problem with that, to each his own. But keep that crap off my desktop. End of discussion.

    Edit: Of course, we are getting ahead of ourselves a bit here... it could well be that 9 will please everyone.... I'm betting it will.

    They can't release that thing too soon...!!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    Quoting the article:

    Consumers installing the upcoming operating system on a PC, where a mouse and keyboard are both essential, will directly see the desktop and get a Start menu. Those using a tablet, on the other hand, will still boot to the Start screen and thus be provided with the revamped Metro UI.

    The change is needed because Microsoft wants to adapt to customers’ needs and detecting the device they use and offering them appropriate feature is the easiest way to do it.
    OMG! I’ll have to sound like them! > I’ll decide what I want on my machine!
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    HippsieGypsie said:
    Quoting the article:

    OMG! I’ll have to sound like them! > I’ll decide what I want on my machine!
    On that quoted bit, still unsure how that will work on a Laptop with touch screen

    How will MS know if I want to use the mouse/keyboard (always attached) or use the touchscreen side of it (always active)

    let me chose seems the only way, I cant see how they can decide on a machine that has touch and a mouse/keyboard
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    LittleJay said:
    Interactive live tiles on the Start screen would be a nice feature.
    Sounds to be more like gadgets.

    But I'll bet you the stomachs of a few hardcore W7 enthusiasts will turn sour at the mention of Metro 2.0!
    Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    paulsalter said:
    On that quoted bit, still unsure how that will work on a Laptop with touch screen

    How will MS know if I want to use the mouse/keyboard (always attached) or use the touchscreen side of it (always active)

    let me chose seems the only way, I cant see how they can decide on a machine that has touch and a mouse/keyboard
    It seems to me that it would have to be configurable just like 8.1.
      My Computers

  9. whs
    Posts : 1,935
    Windows 7

    HippsieGypsie said:
    Sounds to be more like gadgets.

    Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0 Metro 2.0
    I think we should get away from the name Metro. It has too many blood stains. Let's call it W9UI and hope that we will like it.

    I hope they come out with something really exiting the first time W9 shows it's face. Another initial negative review would not help and would be very difficult to iron out. A sequence of 2 operating system releases that do not convince the crowds would be pretty earthshaking.

    Btw - I like 8.1 - but I am not 'the crowd'.
      My Computer


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