Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8 Insider

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  1. Posts : 1,690
    Windows 10 Pro x64-bit Build Latest

    ish4d0w said:
    I know that is as annoying as it may be, but this is intentional. They are testing their servicing pipeline, which means they want to know how quickly updates are applied. Which, you know, means how quickly people reboot their machine after it is done.

    However, I fully agree with you on that this measurement could actually be done without a reboot. It should be implemented with a simple counter that would track the time between the moment the update is "ready for restart" until the machine is eventually restarted, or even until the user would eventually click a pseudo-reboot button, which - just like the update - wouldn't do anything actual.

    But then again, they are not there yet. I would be ready for an upvote though, on feedback hub, if you were to raise this issue, which as a fact, is quite annoying to ask for a reboot for a placebo update.
    Thanks for the feeling!
    I think I will let this one go because it will be another complaint seating there forever as many that already is.
    As you said and well said "But then again, they are not there yet."
    And honestly on my part it was more a statement then a complaint.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 266
    Windows 10 Build 19045.xxxx R.P.

    waltc said:
    That's just it--they were all failing unless I installed them manually, in which case none of them failed--that's the only reason I ever installed them manually to begin with--they were all dropping the connection and/or losting the Gateway, repetitively when auto-installed by Windows.

    However, see my post above to it seems the driver that is giving him fits is working for me--for the first time in a couple of months that a RealTek driver has installed automatically from the exe and stayed up for more than a few minutes before dropping off.
    It's nuts....

    From the 21327 MS blog:

    • We’re working on a fix for an issue where some devices with Realtek network adapters running driver version may experience intermittent loss of network connectivity.

    This is what they load with build 21327, perhaps it is just a bad driver from 2/15/2121, probably any older driver still works fine, at least till they update the one downloaded in the current build with a good one. (rtcx21x64.sys)

    Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8-image.png
    Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8-image.png

    Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8-image.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 512
    Windows 11 Pro( x64) Ver. DEV.CHANNEL 22518.1012 RS_Prerelease

    i got update Nvidea
    Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8-screenshot-2021-03-09-134323.png
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there
    Different boot / updating message to the basic one this time while updating (did via WU not UUPDUMP this time).

    Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8-screenshot_20210309_130038.png

    Other than that -- seems to be OK so far.

    Running as a VM BTW.

    After boot - running fine

    Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8-screenshot_20210309_130634.jpg

    Still nothing like as slick / fast running as W2K19K server "frigged to run as a desktop" though even on a VM -- but I'd imagine most people here won't get a copy of W2K19K server (especially a VL one so no activation problems ) to play around with !!!!!!!! --If you can get one (or even a trial) it really shows difference between a Commercial server OS and the W10 consumer grade OS editions !!!

    IMO that's what M/s should be doing -- get the W10 consumer grade OS'es to perform as near as possible to their server editions --in theory should not be difficult since W10 is essentially a "Single user OS". Who cares about new icons etc - just get rid of all the bloat etc in the consumer editions of W10.

    OK there are difficulties -- particularly with drivers etc since consumer grade OS's will have every bit of conceivable hardware around and a whole infinite (or almost) shedload of applications that could be installed on it while corporate Servers are usually pretty standard - but in reality that shouldn't be an excuse for poor or reduced performance.

    Last edited by jimbo45; 09 Mar 2021 at 08:25.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,079
    10 + Linux

    10.0.21327.1010: Clean Install

    The only bug is that System (CP) is not available all over. System Settings crashes when searching for it.

    Ethernet is OK here, this is what I get for the Realtek card, not using wifi.

    Device PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_506F17AA&REV_10\01000000684CE00000 was configured.
    Driver Name: rt640x64.inf
    Class Guid: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    Driver Date: 04/11/2015
    Driver Version: 9.1.411.2015
    Driver Provider: Microsoft
    Driver Section: RTL8168Series.ndi.NT
    Driver Rank: 0xFF2001
    Matching Device Id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168
    Outranked Drivers: 
    Device Updated: false
    Parent Device: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_15D3&SUBSYS_506F17AA&REV_00\3&2411e6fe&0&0A
    Device PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_B822&SUBSYS_B02417AA&REV_00\00E04CFFFEB8220100 was configured.
    Driver Name: netrtwlane.inf
    Class Guid: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
    Driver Date: 07/10/2019
    Driver Version: 2024.0.8.108
    Driver Provider: Microsoft
    Driver Section: LNV8822be_pwr_limit.ndi.NT
    Driver Rank: 0xFE0001
    Matching Device Id: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_B822&SUBSYS_B02417AA
    Outranked Drivers: 
    Device Updated: false
    Parent Device: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_15D3&SUBSYS_506F17AA&REV_00\3&2411e6fe&0&0
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 807
    Win10x64 v2004 latest build fast ring

    I will know for sure if they've fixed the bug when the next new build is comments, too, have concerned my own 2.5Gb RealTek NIC, exclusively...doesn't seem at all limited to just the Microsoft driver, as that's not been the case for me. All of the drivers in my system--I have about ten installed between Microsoft and RealTek--have exhibited the problems described in my OP. Glad Microsoft is on the case--but it's never been about the Microsoft driver in particular--that would have been easy to solve as I've been getting my drivers from RealTek for many months now--so I have the Microsoft drivers & the RealTek drivers installed--and they've all had the dropout/lost Gateway problem for the last few months--so far the only cure has been a manual install-- driver works fine if manually installed through the DM, etc.

    We'll see if this one stays up after the next build install!

    Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8-realtek2.jpg
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 29,078
    Windows 10 21H1 Build 19043.1023

    waltc said:
    Open up the DM and look at the network adapter--if you don't have the problem then none of this applies! However, I did notice that you are using a wireless adaptor, and that we have different NICs, whereas I am using a new 2.5GB Reatek NIC and am strictly wired. I don't do wireless or BT.

    EDIT: Since I see that we're all doing "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"...Here's what mine looks like...:)

    Attachment 321857
    And here's mine . . .

    Windows 10 Insider Preview Dev Build 21327.1010 (KB5001277) - March 8-dm-realtek.png
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 50,055
    Windows 10 Home 64bit 21H1 and insider builds

    New build 21332.1000 in the Dev Channel.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 72,448
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 11
    Windows 10 Home

    fg2001gf10F said:

    Did you check if it is the same driver when it fails, before you reinstall this one ?
    The gateway failed again today after the latest update.
    Device manager showed the exact same one as last week when it was working.
    Last week I had tried to go in Device Manager and install it from there. It worked for a few hours then failed again. Then I ran the exe to Repair it, and it worked the rest of the week until today.
      My Computer


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