Running Win 10 Pro 64 bit, put KB4601382 on 8 March, system says it v20H2 19042.844, PC all good turning off last night,
today boots up no docs, folders or emails... my usual user account just bare windows.... rebooted twice, read docs on how to fix and set about backing up c:\user account files to a new user. When MS windows pops up saying
"Oh Dear we messed up big time... Log off now MIGHT get over it"
It did but only after giving me a heart attack and wasting 4 hours backing up my original account folder. Is this "normal behaviour" in the new world of 3 year olds, bloatware and a washing machine to compile the first class code or something I can influence?
Take a deep breath and relax. What you paraphrased sounds like the dialogue when Windows encounters an issue reading and processing your account info. All that security stuff to verify you are who you claim to be, etc, blah blah. If it goes burp, the internet, server burp, your machine burp, the cat burps, or any of a multitude of minor zings in the atmosphere, it will advise to log off and log back in. Long-winded way of saying, "try again". 99% of the time you're right back in and no harm done, except a couple more gray hairs. No washing machines were harmed in the process..............