I see nothing wrong with Edge or anyone who enjoys using it or testing it...;) I agree with you on the VM--probably best to test with all Microsoft, in that case. I've been running Win10 next to the metal (or as close to that as I can get) for the last few years, amazingly enough. Haven't had any major problems with all the builds I've installed so far.
I did send MS a note about Edge a couple of years back, telling them that my biggest beef with it is that I can't choose which side to place my favorites sidebar on--I like the left--it's just a personal preference--a habit, really, developed over the years. It's comfortable, like an old shoe...;) I even mentioned that Internet Explorer used to let you pick where you wanted to place your favorites sidebar, etc. I got a nice note from them saying "stay tuned" we've heard the feedback--well, flash-forward to now and it doesn't appear the feedback was heard at all...;) Likely it wouldn't bother other people as much as it does me, I'm sure. I can't help but believe that they put it on the right simply to be "different"--and it's different, but it also takes a choice away from the end user of the browser. But like I say, that peculiarity is only my own.