Softpedia has to be one of the worst......
Attachment 4829
.....Oh, sorry. had to get that out..........sites on the Net!
Softpedia has to be one of the worst......
Attachment 4829
.....Oh, sorry. had to get that out..........sites on the Net!
Not sure if I like that start menu
Wonder if anyone will write a StartScreen9 app which replicates what we have in Windows 8 :)
If the start menu looks like that I just hope we can still make use of start menus like ClassicShell.
Well, here's hoping there are sufficient configuration options to tweak it that all will be happy ...
- M$ can then rename it Windows Utopia... got a nice ring to it hey? LOL
Last edited by Superfly; 27 Aug 2014 at 06:20.
I think that will be the key. Some will be ok with the start menu pictured above, most however will not. If they think they can sneak that metro crap in and nobody will notice, then maybe they haven't learned anything at all.
Indeed, there is no scenario whereby I would accept such a start menu. None, zero, zilch...
The new start menu reminds me of a train: clickety clickety click. If that is what people want, fine. I for one will not use it.
Yeah, it's different alright...
M$ seems to think they know what their customers want.. whether they have learnt from previous experience remains tio be seen..
If this is indeed going to be "Microsoft’s Last Standalone Windows Version " it better have all the bell's and whistles...else they will have a mutiny on their hands.