Microsoft Scraps Windows 8 Major Updates. Bets The Farm On Windows 9

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  1. Posts : 519

    Sorry. Missed something there? Look back where?

    I was quoting what I read in your post. As I implied, no criticism was implied at that point.
    But, with my quote, if you feel they did "try to kill off the desktop", and if other potential users saw windows 8 like that, then, of course, it would account , in part at least, for the "utter failure " of Windows.
    I do read this in the link:
    "Desktop users can now live almost entirely in the desktop interface if they so wish, the merger of desktop and Windows 8 apps is well underway, it is increasingly friendly to touch, mouse and keyboard interaction and is arguably the fastest and most stable version of Windows to date."
    My own opinion is that MSs mistake was to send the early Beta out to the public for comment. Unfortunately, in this case, pundits condemned it before working through its options. Those pundits were then rhetorically echoed on forums such as these.
    There were, at the same time, some accomplished users who did quickly examine the possibilities and, as you will find on these pages, were, and are still, very happy with Windows 8.
    The same problem could occur with the early public release of Windows 9 (or whatever it may be eventually called!)

    As for the start menu. Well, if you look in to the Windows 7 forums, you will find scores of posts regarding the installation of the Classic menu. I have, from word go, always installed third party programs which I felt suited me better than those which were built in. It doesn't, therefore, hurt me to install a third party start menu, if I felt the need.
    You do not need to use Bing, or the Apps, or, for that matter, the cloud. All are offered as first choice in the original installation, the second choice is yours.
    If I had been the MS programmer for any of those products, I would most certainly have put them up as the first choice.
    Can't comment on Aero as I have never used it.
    Not sure about the "many" other Windows 7 options they dropped?
      My Computer

  2. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    What. . .no source. . everyone is commenting on what may be just nothing, but hog wash. . .:)
    Here is some very interesting reading . . .
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    As far back as OS/2 (when IBM and MS were working together (sort of)), updates were meant to repair existing code, not release new features.

    Service Packs were the new feature path between OS new releases. 8.1 Update 1 was really a service pack in disguise.

    Now MS is redefining that concept and I'm not sure it's a good idea. The test effort for a service pack release was a lot more than is currently being done for updates.

    Ah well, exciting times ahead :)
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    davehc, post: 35011, member: 120 said:
    My own opinion is that MSs mistake was to send the early Beta out to the public for comment.
    People complaining about the W7 Betas (they did/do exist) didn't seem to hurt W7's market performance.

    There are quite a few people complaining about W7 on this blog, a few weeks after the retail version was released:’s-perspective

    davehc, post: 35011, member: 120 said:
    Not sure about the "many" other Windows 7 options they dropped?
    Here is Wikipedia's list of removed features:

    Most of those are a non-issue to me personally.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 519

    Agreed. All a non issue to me also. Most of those dropped have been replaced, by necessity, by methods more appropriate to the new interface.
    I would say,imo, that the Windows 7 beta did not harm the market, as it was viewed as a welcome relief from Vista, for right or wrong. Vista was a major change in interface and use, from XP, and, as such, was a useful interlude for users to get accustomed to the almost identical Windows 7 - helped a lot in a rather distorted and unintended way.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 630

    lehnerus2000, post: 35041, member: 428 said:
    Here is Wikipedia's list of removed features:

    Most of those are a non-issue to me personally.
    Thank you, that is very useful.

    I personally use/used at least a 1/3 of the items removed, if not more. But I run networks with many computers and devices attached, and help maintain a lot of peoples systems. Every little tool is helpful, so Windows 8 was not an improvement in my life, and made it more costly and difficult to maintain.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    By everything I heard up to now, this update should not even have any name or number, it's no more than a regular monthly set of updates.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 1,463
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64 bit

    Lee, post: 35017, member: 135 said:
    What. . .no source. . everyone is commenting on what may be just nothing, but hog wash. . .:)
    Here is some very interesting reading . . .
    Thanks for that link:
    Here is some more updates coming tomorrow.

    The individual KB's are not available as of yet.

    Jim :win:
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 470
    Windows 10 Pro For Workstations

    I am positive the fact that M$ have stopped fooling around with 8.1 and decided it is done and buried that they will give 8 and 8.1 users a free upgrade path to Windows 9. It may not be an upgrade install and may need work on the users part but I can see no other choice for M$ after the OS that was very much unloved. Imagine how many licence cards and DVD packs that will end up in the landfill as no one wants them.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Indianatone, post: 35123, member: 49 said:
    I am positive the fact that M$ have stopped fooling around with 8.1 and decided it is done and buried that they will give 8 and 8.1 users a free upgrade path to Windows 9. It may not be an upgrade install and may need work on the users part but I can see no other choice for M$ after the OS that was very much unloved. Imagine how many licence cards and DVD packs that will end up in the landfill as no one wants them.
    "You got to know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em"
    The Gambler.
      My Computers


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