This number is actually much smaller than it used to be... but that's really beside the point.. Unless you can point to actual sales figures showing a strong growing trend, then it's a pointless argument.
Many so-called "touch tablets" are just as powerful as desktops, and fully capable of everything the average desktops can do, but the average desktops don't have touch or pen capabilities, can't be taken along with you when you leave, can't be used on the couch or on the train.
While it's absolutely true that a top end desktop PC can't match a portable device, because a portable device has power savings requirements, among others, only a small percentage of people actually *NEED* a top end desktop PC, or could even benefit from one. While a much larger percentage of people can benefit from mobility. (probably not your standard data entry clerk, or call center agent, but most office workers).
It's a complete cop-out to argue that Desktops can't be replaced by mobile devices because some tiny fraction of users need top end desktop performance. True for that small percentage, but not true for most anyone else.
Intel sells chips, yes PC chips for tablets and laptops... not just desktops. So yeah, their business is booming. Just not for desktops. The sales numbers don't lie... Desktop PC sales are sinking like rock.
Again, a very tiny fraction of people build their own, or even upgrade or service their computers. Most people just buy new ones when their old one stops working or get too slow (even if they could be cheaply upgraded). When you can get a whole new PC for $300, why upgrade your old one for $150? You still have a old computer with some newer parts.
I'm not saying the build it yourself market will disappear, now ill desktops completely go away, but it will certainly be a niche market... Even now its hard to find non-laptops or tablets at any big-box store.. there aren't many desktops on the shelves.