Windows 9 “Threshold”: What We Know So Far

    Posted: 26 Jun 2014

    Windows 9 is definitely the next big thing happening for Windows users, with many people close to the matter revealing more or less exciting tidbits pointing to features of the upcoming operating system.

    Nothing has been confirmed so far and Microsoft goes on with a secrecy that's really killing us, especially when thinking that Windows 9 isn't the only project coming out of Redmond. Both Windows 8.1 Update 2 and Windows 8.1 Update 3 are also said to be in the works as we speak.

    But let's take everything once at a time to demonstrate that Microsoft has apparently worked out a plan that might really have a chance to succeed and finally move users to its modern platform.

    A Guy
    A Guy's Avatar Posted By: A Guy
    26 Jun 2014

  1. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    . . .isn't computing with MS Windows fun. . .
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15,222
    Windows 10 IoT

    There's that "pay a fee if you want to part again". It's sounding like you can upgrade to 8.1 update X and keep your old 8.0 key. You just won't get Windows 9 for free with that key. Or "for a fee" buy an 8.1 update X product key that will also get you Windows 9 for free when it comes out. If your already running 8.1 with an 8.1 key, Windows 9 will be a free upgrade. That's how I read it anyway. It's still any bodies guess though, as its still just rumors.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9,653
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    Personally, I plan to wait until W9 comes out and see if they offer a special promotion for it like they did when W8 first came out.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 15,222
    Windows 10 IoT

    I have an MSDN account so its no big deal to me. Confusing as hell, but no big deal really. I'll be trying Windows 9 one way or the other.
      My Computer


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