Rebooting Windows for a new era of computing

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  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there
    What's NOT PC about a surface 3 pro ??? It would also serve as both an iPad type device AND a laptop.

    Just because the keyboard is not permanently attached and you have to use Bluetooth or a USB mouse if you aren't using touch why is this NOT a PC.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    PC in every respect plus some, Jim.

    Some people just aren't comprehending how small and powerful electronics are getting. And here we have versatility as well. All with a FULL BLOWN Windows OS.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 220
    Windows 10


    I agree that the Surface Pro 3 does most of what I would want.
    The problem is the price, it costs as much as a high end laptop.

    So it kind of puts itself in a different class.

    I think Tablets, $200 to $600 or so.

    I notice that Microsoft itself compares it to the MacBook Air, not the iPad.

    If I'm going to spend $800 to $2,000 there are a lot of options in laptop computers.

    So it comes down to, it is worth the price to have it weigh less?

    Surface Pro i7 512 Gb version, 1.7 pounds, $2,000!
    Add another $200 for the cover.

    Lenovo Idea Pad Flex i7 500 Gb version, 5.2 pounds,$650.

    You can get a 12" laptop for $350, or an iPad Air for around $650.

    The Lenovo doesn't have the same high resolution screen etc, but this is a big price difference.

    So for me, price alone eliminates the Surface Pro 3 as an alternative, and I would call the Surface a PC more then a tablet computer.

    Above all, it has to run real software, I'm not sure whether you can run Adobe Illustrator on a Surface Pro, but it would be very tough without a mouse.

    Can you imagine sitting down and designing a 64 page catalog on a tablet.

    You have to edit the images, compose the type, use special effects, run Adobe Illustrator, it just isn't possible.

    I can visualize a tablet that runs Windows 8, has all the attributes of an iPad, does everything that a PC does, will let me run Adobe Photoshop, play The Elder Scrolls Online etc, but there isn't anything like that at this time.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 15,171
    Windows 10 IoT

    I'm sure the Surface does what some say it does, but different strokes for different folks. If I didn't already have a laptop and a desktop PC and wanted something that did both it might be something I'd consider. Since I already have both I don't need a tablet with those specs and that price tag. I'm likely not alone in that either. My laptop has a 17 inch screen because that's what I wanted. Most days it only goes as far as my back deck so the size and weight aren't a big deal to me. I'm posting from it on my deck right now. I'm also not all that interested in plugging a hand full of assorted peripherals to make a tablet sized device usable as a desktop PC. Its great that you can do that but not everybody wants to do it. I'm not trying to be a smart ass but what often seems like "a really good idea" to one person ends up being a "why would I want to do that" moment for someone else. That's life.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 99

    I think the problem we've come to is that some people are stuck in their ways and are afraid of the cloud or don't have a need for the convenience.

    I really don't see the issue as many can keep doing what they're doing now, but they're refusing to adapt to change. The desktop is still going to be there for some time it looks like. People just need to deal with the fact that not everyone wants to be confined to just that one environment. At least I don't.

    It's a shame, as i'm sitting here on the sofa and typing this on my Surface Pro 3. It's just a fantastic experience. I have the portability i've always wanted and the flexibility to use a desktop program at any moment. The same can be said if had an Asus T100 or a Dell Venue 11.

    Sure, it's not going to replace your 17" monitor or your pc rig, but I do 't need it to. I need it to do everything I need to be completely mobile. And it does it fantastically. If it doesn't work for you, use something else or keep doing what you're doing. Why get so worked up about it?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 9,653
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    Why get so worked up about it?
    I don't think anyone is getting "worked up" about it, they are just expressing their opinions on the matter. I like reading the different pros and cons on the subject.
      My Computer

  7. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    LittleJay, post: 33472, member: 114 said:
    I don't think anyone is getting "worked up" about it, they are just expressing their opinions on the matter. I like reading the different pros and cons on the subject.
    Off topic: Since you like fishing I a have a big one for you; 265 lb Yellow Fan. Caught it back in 1975 off Barbers Point on the Island of Oahu. Would show you a picture, albeit the lack of a scanner. . . At the time it was the largest Yellow Fin on record off Hawaii, however, since then my record was beat back in 1997 by (if memory sires me) the new record was 287 lbs.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 372
    Windows 10

    HippsieGypsie, post: 33271, member: 99 said:
    PC in every respect plus some, Jim.

    Some people just aren't comprehending how small and powerful electronics are getting. And here we have versatility as well. All with a FULL BLOWN Windows OS.
    I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. Most people, at least on a forum like this can read a spec sheet. For me personally, if I were going to spend 3 grand on a portable computer, I would get a high end laptop with "actual" windows on it, ie: desktop. I, and I suspect others feel this way too, do not consider metro to be, and I quote "full blown windows os". Never gonna happen. And I think that is where the divide occurs....
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 9,653
    W10 Pro, W10 Home

    Lee, post: 33496, member: 135 said:
    Off topic: Since you like fishing I a have a big one for you; 265 lb Yellow Fan. Caught it back in 1975 off Barbers Point on the Island of Oahu. Would show you a picture, albeit the lack of a scanner. . . At the time it was the largest Yellow Fin on record off Hawaii, however, since then my record was beat back in 1997 by (if memory sires me) the new record was 287 lbs.
    Nice fish ! I'll bet that was a blast pulling that one in!
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    Rickkins, post: 33541, member: 239 said:
    I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. Most people, at least on a forum like this can read a spec sheet. For me personally, if I were going to spend 3 grand on a portable computer, I would get a high end laptop with "actual" windows on it, ie: desktop. I, and I suspect others feel this way too, do not consider metro to be, and I quote "full blown windows os". Never gonna happen. And I think that is where the divide occurs....
    Yes, divided.

    8.x are indeed "full-blown" OSs > plus some. Admittedly windowing of the Modern/Metro Store apps is a problem, but I think it will come. More of a "fixed-sized" window one can shuffle around on designated amount of apps per screen in even amounts. 4, 6, 8, etc.
    I've used and watched these apps from 8 Preview. Admittedly undeveloped at first, I've seen them grow to a enjoyable, efficient usability. I dare say that the apps are indeed more efficient than their desktop counterparts along with Charms options and intertwined relationship. Safer with less hardware resources used also. I can gather more personal information and relay it to others quicker than the old desktop system.

    I think many did not stick with them long enough to give them time of day or plainly not enough patience to learn a new way. That plus bad press by those who think they know better. Forum members too led to slow sales.

    Modern/Metro > Walled garden > Native, but Cloud-centric > Full-blown > Running on any device OS just simply makes too much sense to me. But, bottom line, Rikkins > To each there own. The market will eventually vote. :)
      My Computers


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