Using Fedora Rawhide w/ kernel 5.5.0-0.rc6.git3.1.fc32.x86_64 created instances of this build using VMware Ws 15.5.1, VirtualBox Version 6.1.2 r135662 (Qt5.6.1) and Virtual Machine Manager (QEMU/KVM). The last runs concurrently with VMware but not with VirtualBox. On to openSUSE
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Have gotten VirtualBox 6.1 and QEMU/KVM working on openSUSE Tulmbleweed kernel 5.5.0-rc7-2.g7193c66-vanilla. VMware is installed and appears OK except I run into an unusual problem, which hopefully somebody here might have some idea about. The virtual machine (in this case this build) appears to installed up to the point where the hard drive is going to be created but then there is no hard drive! I think openSUSE may be the only distro I'[[ve seen this happening but I've definitely seen it before and have no clue. No quick Internet search yields results. What I'm going to do however is copy a VM from another distro and see whether I can open it ... yes that works. Was able to copy a paused Shared VM to my home vmware directory and resume it. The problem is very strange but hey ...
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I have gotten gnome-boxes to work on Fedora Rawhide. This makes 4 different virtualization solutions for Fedora.
The VM is only 20GB in size - after creation, there was almost 10GB free. Compressing the drive btw saved no space.