After all my Updating problems encountered last year.....Last few Updates flawlessly installed.
After all my Updating problems encountered last year.....Last few Updates flawlessly installed.
Sent a feedback on this issue. Feedback Hub - Windows Insider
Last edited by Fabler2; 24 Jan 2020 at 07:03. Reason: spelling
AFTER Download and then to RESTART INSTALL PC hung for AGES @100%...!
So I did a forced Shut Down, Hold Finger down on push start button and restarted PC, APPEARS to be installing OK now..
Now on Last reboot..I will report IF not Installed..
EDIT:...YES all installed ok it seems... Winver is reporting correct Version Number.
Also NOTE: Good old 'Open Shell' 4.4.131 version is still installing and working fine.
80 mins to desktop
dolby access still not working on this build!
On Ubuntu 20.04 w/ kernel 5.5.0-050500rc7-generic VMware and QEMU/KVM virtual machines work fine but even with the latest testbuild VirtualBox does not work. I'll report this when I get a chance. In the meantime time to boot into Manjaro, Fedora Rawhide and openSUSE Tumbleweed to see how they are doing with the UUPDUMP ISO or WU if 19551 is already installed in VMware.
Installed with both uup dump cumulative and windows update, both working fine so far... besides the slideshow desktop background change being abrupt !