I decided to give the new Edge a try... without running in a VM.
Does it seem much faster than Firefox?
I decided to give the new Edge a try... without running in a VM.
Does it seem much faster than Firefox?
I'm removing Edge dev on all and will just have the new Edge as main browser and Firefox as backup.
Hey mates,
The main point of my argument was not about the possibility of running two or even three versions of Edge side-by-side — I know that can be done —, but about the upgrading process which can lead to misinterpretation according to the quote in post # 253. I took it that if one is on a preview build such as Beta, Canary or Dev, it cannot be upgraded via Windows Updates, but only by downloading the online installer and execute it. Put another way, it is as if the update won't be offered to those on a preview build, but only to those on Legacy UWP version of Edge, at least that was my interpretation of what I read in the quote. The only way to know whether or not this is true would be to wait and see what happens when MS starts rolling out the updates to Edge, hopefully soon enough, to the general public.
It bears repeating that maybe I am wrong; if that is the case, I will humbly admit my mistake and misinterpretation of the fact.
Last edited by IronZorg89; 21 Jan 2020 at 15:13.
Beta, Dev, and Canary are stand alone and whenever you go to Settings - About Microsoft Edge it will auto check for updates and install new updates if found.
When Edge was released through WU it replaced the old Edge and took over any shortcuts but updates come through Settings - About Microsoft Edge
The way MS does things sometimes can be puzzling. I remember pretty well when I was upgrading to 1903 from 1809, my Legacy Edge was not working anymore to the point I had to roll back to 1809 from a MR backup. I couldn't fix the issue. After a while, I have decided to upgrade to 1903 anyway and installed the chromium-based Dev and then changed it later to Beta.
To this day, Legacy Edge has never worked on my production machine since 1903. I don't even know what's happened to it after installing the new chromium-based stable version yesterday. Rumor has it that it is hidden. The thing is Legacy Edge cannot be uninstalled as the new chromium-based Edge would. Another one of MS's quirks.
More to your point, no it wouldn't make sense for MS to leave Legacy Edge Enabled for years on a computer just because a preview build of the browser happened to be installed, but in my case the transition from 1809 to 1903 left me without an Edge browser; I had to install a preview build in order to keep on going. Why is that?. It was like I was forced to use a preview build; seriously I felt like a guinea pig.
To tell you the truth, when Legacy Edge came out, it was the first time I heard that a browser could not be uninstalled (Correct me if I am wrong). Now, with the new chromium-based stable version of Edge, I think MS has come back to their senses, for this one can be uninstalled.