Downloading on 5 computers.
What! No Autopilot this time? Did MS actually do things right for once?...
Anyone had a FAILED update? (I did), rebooted PC, ran the update process again and then it succeeded.
Updated PC and one laptop to 592. 2nd laptop failed! Error 0x800f0922
Last edited by lafargeotte; 15 Jan 2020 at 10:02.
My windows update quit mid-way, windows update window went blank. Reboot. Windows update window still blank. Shut down pc and reboot --- windows update show update is finished but computer needs to restart. Restart pc, windows update done.
- - - Updated - - -
Did you manually remove the autopilot update?
The autopilot update was a mistake by MS and was withdrawn right after being issued. Those who had installed in the first place were to uninstall it if they felt so inclined.
Installed here ok. I noticed that auto pilot was updated. Could have sworn I removed auto pilot when it first downloaded.
Looking forward to the new Chromium browser tomorrow !