Biggest hurdle to overcome with Windows 9: The dead end

    Posted: 15 Jan 2014

    Information is beginning to leak about Windows 9, and the conversation has turned to how badly Microsoft has failed so far with Windows 8. It's being said that Microsoft is floundering, with Windows 8 even being compared to Vista. Some wonder how Windows 9 might turn things around, but that may be harder than Microsoft can manage. There's a big problem in the Windows ecosystem that a new version probably can't address.
    labeeman's Avatar Posted By: labeeman
    15 Jan 2014

  1. Posts : 2,662
    W10 Pro (desktop), W11 (laptop), W11Pro (tablet)

    I can't speak to the iOS experience but can for the Android experience and I have most certainly encountered the "dead end" as the author calls it with Android apps and OS. I actually have not encountered any "dead ends" with Win 8 (yet) but have with other Windows versions as well as Mac OS X and various distros of Linux.

    I understand the point the author is trying to make but disagree that it's the biggest hurdle for Win 9 to overcome.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,434
    Windows 10

    strollin, post: 11145, member: 67 said:
    *snip*... but disagree that it's the biggest hurdle for Win 9 to overcome.
    I liked the article but agree with you here. In my opinion the biggest hurdle has always been pricing.
      My Computers

  3. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    I could not really care what has or is happening with windows 8/8.1 at this point in time. My only thoughts are now directed at Windows 9 and which direction Microsoft is taking the new OS. To talk of a system that is on the way out is just plain silly. This is the Nine Forums not XP, Not Win 7, nor win 8. I want to learn what is happening with the next up coming OS from Microsoft not an old one.
      My Computer


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