They'll probably kill it off, totally soon
Looks like now Groove is going the way of Media Center and Media Player.
Typical Microsoft, killing the foistware people actually like/use,
But that's ok, I've started testing MediaMonkey 5 and it's coming along pretty good, Besides, I can change the default skin colors with just simple HEX values,(oh and font used too) like I do Afterburner.
Code:@baseColor: #252525; @warningColor: #e36a00; @controlColor: #974600; @hoverColor: @warningColor; @hoverBgColor: darken( @warningColor, 52%); @borderColor: @warningColor; @SelectedColor: lighten(@baseColor, 20%); @disabledSelectedColor: mix(@baseColor, @SelectedColor, 50%); @highlightBgColor: @highlightColor; //@shadowColor: @hoverBgColor; @windowBorderColor: #c66b1c; @font-face { font-family: zektonbo; src: url("/skin/fonts/zektonbo.ttf"); } body { font-family: zektonbo, sans-serif;