KB4023057 Update to Windows 10 for update reliability - Sept. 10 Win Update
Has this been re-released a year after release ...my main system which is on 1909.1110 system ( 2004 doesn't like this computer) just downloaded it.
Has this been re-released a year after release ...my main system which is on 1909.1110 system ( 2004 doesn't like this computer) just downloaded it.
Hello KB,
It was last updated on September 10, 2020, but it's not for Windows 10 version 2004 yet.
Hello KB,
It was last updated on September 10, 2020, but it's not for Windows 10 version 2004 yet.
Ok thanks again Brink, I am back on 1909, I probably had it on Sept. 10th but win update tried to take
me to Win 2004 and failed multiple times, I even tried a Clean Install ( not stable) so I ended up Macrium
Imaging back to 1909 for stability last week, so I guess Win Update is still correcting itself again.
No idea why Win 2004 does not like this X99 system as I don't seem to have any of the known Issues.
Hello KB,
It was last updated on September 10, 2020, but it's not for Windows 10 version 2004 yet.
Hello Brink , today i notice in my programs and features sometime installed called Microsoft Update Health tools , i check in windows update history and is an update , but when i try to untinstall via windows update is not appear for unistalled it , the only way to unistall is via prorams and features or using revounistaller pro , i read aloot and this KB4023057 update basically in the end will force to update your PC to the last version , i using right now 1903 and in windows update show feature update to windows 10 version 1909 download and install , and i had really bad experience with 1909 end of story i format the PC and stay with 1903 , to mention my brother PC from 1909 was force to update 2004 without the posibility to choice only than restart the PC for apply the update is already downloaded and installed
my question is is safe to unistall KB4023057 via programs and features or using removeunistaller pro ? or simple just leave it the update KB4023057 ?
i unistall the update Microsoft Update Health tools from control panel programs and feature using revounistaller pro and zero problem here , i will like to stay with 1903 (just in case the KB4023057 will force to me update version 2004 or 1909) , i learn sometime ,why fixed if it no broken ? , and my PC is old from 2012 , also i hear people facing problem with the 2004 version
windows update minitool prevent the windows update download and install automatically ? , is safe to use ? or any other better program recommended ?
Last edited by Yuniel; 01 Oct 2020 at 14:49.
Reason: missspell
i unistall the update Microsoft Update Health tools from control panel programs and feature using revounistaller pro and zero problem here , i will like to stay with 1903 (just in case the KB4023057 will force to me update version 2004 or 1909) , i learn sometime ,why fixed if it no broken ? , and my PC is old from 2012 , also i hear people facing problem with the 2004 version
windows update minitool prevent the windows update download and install automatically ? , is safe to use ? or any other better program recommended ?
Hi Yuniel, Matthew's scripts (link in post #35 above) will provide everything you require to disable windows update and still maintain downloading definition files for Windows Defender. As far as I know, if you use wumt by itself, you will also disable the WD definitions which I see almost daily.
This excerpt is from Matthew Wai's link posted above;
"When auto-updates have been disabled, the daily check for updates and Windows Defender update will also be disabled. So, I have been using Task Scheduler to run two VBScript files, ①"WDD_Updates.vbs" and ②"Check_for_updates.vbs", which will do the following in the background:
① Update Windows Defender at six-hour intervals.
② Check for other updates every day. Bring up a message only when updates are found.
"WDD_Updates.vbs" will install definition updates (KB2267602) and updates for antimalware platform (KB4052623). The core commands in "Check_for_updates.vbs" are extracted from Microsoft Docs. My simplified version only searches for updates but not downloads and installs them."
You can download wumt here. And yes, I'd say it's pretty safe and used by many users here and elsewhere.