Hi there
Didn't the BBC invent the term "Fake News"
In fact I find the BBC news very reasonable and not biased - usually both sides of a point although it covers rather more of Asia than European News -- I suppose because of the "B--X-T" word and total chaos in UK politics currently that's hardly suprising !!
BBC Technology section though has often good comments about Windows etc
Its business stuff is also a little less "Biased" than Bloomberg's as well.
I have to admit I quite like the BBC which is more than I can say for CNN or "Trump News " (FOX).
CNN got on my bad side when Christiane Amanpour got Pulitzer prize for totally fake news pretending to be at places she wasn't even close to and reporting while being "under gunfire", also some false pictures from Bosnia and Iraq. Never bothered to return prize when proved to be false.
Hi there
perhaps Masterchef (I like the program) is responsible for that hideous way of cooking some of this stuff "Sous Vide" (or in a water bath).
If I were ever to become dictator of this planet - I'd instigate rules 1 and 2 immediately
1) shut down Macdonalds --already been thrown out here in Iceland
2) outlaw any "Sous Vide" cooking. !!!
anyway aren't W10 Forms wonderful -- how on earth have we morphed the "skippy build" into fishing, agriculture and fake news !!!
I think we've probably all got a quiet day today !!!
BTW the Wintogousb update works also on the skippy build ==thanks to those guys.
Hi folks
they'll have to do something soon as doesn't this build expire on 14 Dec.
anyway thanks for all the interesting "Fishy etc" dicussions today -- a change when not much to do at the moment.
I did like this though -- a record - German driver had license suspended within an hour after passing his test !!! (what happened to "Alles in Ordnung") !!!
German teenager loses driving licence after 49 minutes - BBC News
enjoy rest of the evening
great Forum W10 isn't it.