Hi folks
Anybody tried Wintogousb with this build yet -- the developers have fixed the problems on the base 1809 build now and that works.
I need my test laptop this morning so I won't have time to test this out until later.
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I got a great reply from the developers when I reported the error -- great service
we have solved this problem in the latest version of WinToUSB, and now you can use WinToUSB and Windows 10 1809 to create Windows To Go USB drive.
[Solved] How To Fix Windows 10 1809 To Go dump_WppRecorder.sys BSOD?
Best regards,
Hasleo Software (Formerly called EasyUEFI Development Team)
Windows To Go Creator, Data Recovery, BitLocker For Windows, Mac Linux, PC Utility
All-IN-ONE Data Recovery Solution for Windows Mac | Hasleo Software
Hi there
what do people actually use "sticky notes" for.
My own philosophy is if I can't remember stuff that's meant to be important it can't really be important or matter to my well being anyway.
I always think it's hideous when I see some people in an office where their terminals are covered with those silly yellow sticky things --and observation usually leads me to the conclusion that those people think they are the most important but in reality are the least popular and more work gets done when they go on holiday anyway.
Agreed!!!!! There is NO network on the planet as bad as cnn. I trust the networks in several of the African countries I used to live in more than cnn. Lol.
And as to the fish discussion, the reason we don't see several of those fish as regularly as we used to, is because of the aquaculture boom, where Tilapia is the Heavyweight champion.