Current Status of Windows 10 October 2018 Update version 1809

  1. Posts : 15,222
    Windows 10 IoT

    Just started a clean install from my Visual Studio Business ISO. Just noticed a "Windows 10 Enterprise for Virtual Desktops" in the edition to install setup menu? I don't rember seeing that before?
    And it's not listed or mentioned in the Info section for that ISO on My Visual Studio?

    Must be something to do with this? Windows Virtual Desktop for Windows 10 Enterprise and Education - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,557
    Windows 10 pro x64-bit


    If you have Drive partition third-party app, like EaseUS Partition Master, You can use it to add the unallocated space 23.29GB to the partition with the 1.71GB. Then, create an other unallocated space from the latter (now at 25GB) of the same amount 23.29GB in order for it to be at the right of the C:\ drive. Finally, add the new unallocated space (23.29GB) to the C:\ Drive.

    The reason is because where your unallocated space is right now according to your screenshot, it is basically impossible to add it to the C:\ drive.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 1,525
    W10 22H2 19045.5247

    alphanumeric said:
    Another thing that bugs me is you can't verify your ID via e-mail anymore. Its text message or automated phone call to get the code.
    It does not recognize my voip phone for text or phone verification.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    IronZorg89 said:

    If you have Drive partition third-party app, like EaseUS Partition Master, You can use it to add the unallocated space 23.29GB to the partition with the 1.71GB. Then, create an other unallocated space from the latter (now at 25GB) of the same amount 23.29GB in order for it to be at the right of the C:\ drive. Finally, add the new unallocated space (23.29GB) to the C:\ Drive.

    The reason is because where your unallocated space is right now according to your screenshot, it is basically impossible to add it to the C:\ drive.
    Those appear to be Samsung SSDs and that amount of unallocated space corresponds to size used for Over provisioning necessary for their proper operation and should be left at that.
    Current Status of Windows 10 October 2018 Update version 1809-image.png
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 15,222
    Windows 10 IoT

    meebers said:
    It does not recognize my voip phone for text or phone verification.
    I don't have a smart phone so I end up doing it over my wired home phone. An automated message reads the code out to you. It was a lot easier when you could do it via e-mail.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,557
    Windows 10 pro x64-bit

    CountMike said:
    Those appear to be Samsung SSDs and that amount of unallocated space corresponds to size used for Over provisioning necessary for their proper operation and should be left at that.

    You may be right, for SSD is not my forte. I thought it was just a regular internal HDD with NTFS.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 31,014
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    storageman said:
    I've been following this thread for (Going to be 8 weeks here soon), and earlier this week I upgraded my laptop from 1803 to 1809. All went well so I proceeded to upgrade the Tablet yesterday and the Desktop today. I don't remember reading any posts in this thread about additional recovery partitions but I took a look at Disk management and found an additional "Healthy recovery partition" on the desktop (MBR) system ? The old one is still in place at 471mb, and the new one was carved out of my "C:" partition at the end for 831mb ?

    Then I looked at the Laptop system (Its an EFI system), and it had changes although strange in my mind. The original partition layout was at the beginning, a 400mb recovery partition followed by a 260mb EFI partition followed by the "C" drive partition and followed by a 938mb OEM partition. The new layout starts with a 400mb empty partition followed by the 260mb EFI partition followed by "C" drive partition followed by a 1.71gb OEM partition ? It looks like it was expanded again taking some space from the back end of the "C" drive partition.

    Here are After followed by the Before pictures of the laptop EFI partition layouts.

    What I thought was interesting. The second screen shot as I understand it was the "Before".

    Disk 1 had 129GB unallocated partition at the end.

    In the "After" shot that has become the I: drive and it has about 60GB of data in it.

    I must be reading it wrong.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,020
    Windows 10 Pro 20H2 19042.572

    CountMike said:
    Those appear to be Samsung SSDs and that amount of unallocated space corresponds to size used for Over provisioning necessary for their proper operation and should be left at that.
    Current Status of Windows 10 October 2018 Update version 1809-image.png
    @CountMike @IronZorg89 @Caledon Ken - Absolutely Correct. At the end is for provisioning. I can fix the 400mb at the front, but I wonder if anybody else has been seeing this ? It just seemed strange to me.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 568
    Windows 11 Pro

    I don't use overprovisioning on my Samsung ssd, however, I've never seen unallocated space like that on my drive.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 1,020
    Windows 10 Pro 20H2 19042.572

    HRPuffnstuff said:
    I don't use overprovisioning on my Samsung ssd, however, I've never seen unallocated space like that on my drive.
    All Depends how big You make the partition sizes.
      My Computers


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