One thing I've realised is that even if you stay with a particular build, the specification isn't static. In particular, updates can occur that change the distribution of features between the Control Panel and Settings.
I would suggest the idea that updates are 'quality updates' and upgrades are 'feature updates' is far too simplistic.
Indeed it seems that update KB4462919 (1803, 1809, not 1709) is responsible for the inability of (some) users to set programs and file type defaults. There are reports that uninstalling this removes the problem.
It also seems to change the way in which assigning defaults functions.
I have build 1709, and now have 3 (I think it's 3) extra items shown when I launch Settings.
The whole point of quality is to refine and correct the ability to meet a specification by suitably controlled testing and feedback. Where functional changes are arbitrarily made as well, the concept of quality as a prime goal is at severe risk of being discarded to no good end.