Windows 10 October 2018 Update rollout now paused

  1. Posts : 731
    Windows 10 Home - Version 22H2- Build 19045.3758

    zbook said:

    Update the display driver:
    I didn't want to do that so I just went back to 1803 - was having other issues as well and this solved everything for now.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 731
    Windows 10 Home - Version 22H2- Build 19045.3758

    JMacleod26 said:
    I know it will come back eventually, that's how it goes. I'm just exceedingly anxiety-riddled with all the shit going on with these dumb feature updates and to calm down I needed to know if I'll get slapped with it when I check for the monthly updating this coming Tuesday.
    I don't know when it is coming back ...could it be this Tuesday?
    Anyway, there are ways to prevent it. Hopefully they fix it up good before they release it again.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 39
    Windows 10

    tomseys said:
    I don't know when it is coming back ...could it be this Tuesday?
    Anyway, there are ways to prevent it. Hopefully they fix it up good before they release it again.
    Knowing them it wouldn't surprise me if they released only after a few days. Seriously though, this is something they should spend a few more months on to make sure everything is working right. These FUs have been cute to begin with, but now they're just getting absolutely dangerous. They shouldn't be forcing these things out every 6 months. It is in no ways healthy for a computer to suffer these re-writes so often. I feel like I'm abusing my poor laptop whenever I have to finally install a FU.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,191
    Windows 11 Pro x64

    Ztruker said:

    I don't understand why people think it's so important to separate data from the OS. As I said, Macrium backs it all up just fine and it only takes me 20 minutes or so to restore my SSD boot drive.
    I keep the data and OS on separate disks or partitions for one very important reason - to keep the system and data backups separate. They have different requirements for backup. The OS requires a consistent complete image, data does not. I can back the OS up with Macrium in less than 4 minutes. I have near a TB of data on a hard disk which I backup with Microsoft's SyncToy.

    In fact I have several disks and partitions organized by performance and backup requirements . I have an NVME M2 SSD that has two partitions; one is for the OS and that I back up, and the other for downloads and caches (things I can afford to loose but want performance) that I don't backup. I have 1.5 TB in SSD for games and fast system backups, and a 6 TB hard drive for my data,, long term system backups, and other crap. I back the data up with SyncToy to two external hard drives.

    All is pretty much automated with daily and weekly scheduled scripts.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 38
    Windows 10 pro

    So what happens now if you have already installed the update, got to admit it seems a bit clunky....:)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,191
    Windows 11 Pro x64

    Well except for an updated driver issue, which I fised by rolling back, I have had no issues with this build.

    Main like:
    Performance is up. The GDI performance (measured by CrystalMark09) is around 25% better. The GDI performance took a big hit with the Spectre patch, but now is in excess of the pre-Spectre performance. I can feel the desktop is snappier.

    Main dislike:
    Dark theme that is done half-a$$wed. I mean if Explorer is going to be dark, make ThisPC properties, Computer Management, Task manager etc. dark too.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 1,191
    Windows 11 Pro x64

    jeepers said:
    So what happens now if you have already installed the update, got to admit it seems a bit clunky....:)
    Hope they will have a patch.. If not an entire update again if necessary.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 1,750
    Windows 10 HOME 64-BIT

    Anak said:
    I can show you some settings that might help, but you're going to have to go here: Group Policy Settings Reference Spreadsheet for Windows 10 v1803 to get the list of settings; Then create a new thread in that System Security forum and point me to it, I'm tired of high-jacking this thread.
    Thanks dude!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Bree said:
    The problem of files going missing only seems to happen during an upgrade, so a clean install should be safe.
    Of course, with clean install there are no files to loose.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Ztruker said:
    Contrary to popular opinion I do not move my personal off the C: drive. I see no reason to. Macrium backs up my data just as well as it backs up the OS. I do have a lot of other stuff on other drives and partitions but all my dynamic stuff (documents, pictures, music, etc) is on my SSD boot drive. Macrium does a weekly differential backup to a 2nd internal 2TB drive and I have Mirror Folder running all the time to backup my data to folders on another 2TB drive.

    I don't understand why people think it's so important to separate data from the OS. As I said, Macrium backs it all up just fine and it only takes me 20 minutes or so to restore my SSD boot drive.

    I do agree the most important thing to do is backup, backup, backup.
    My reluctance to have personal files in those default places hails from very beginning of computing. Lack of reliable and fast backup was one of reasons, had to leave computers on whole night for backup on tape to finish. Having to replace OS several times a year because it was easier to do that than to fix and repair. Relatively small disk capacity didn't leave much space to spare so another disk had to be used. Disk also were not as reliable and tape backup often failed.
    Only simultaneous backup could provide timely backup, loosing even one day's work can be tremendous loss, some times even impossible to recreate. Having those files in some other place (mostly another disk or whole partition) makes it easier to pick and choose what to backup without having to do large and slow full disk backups of stuff I don't need and than having to go thru it again to delete or reorganize any changes between backups.
    No, I'm not going to leave valuable personal files to MS's or OS's mercy and I'm going to go great extents to keep them safe. You can practically count on MS and windows (or any OS) to produce some snafu and make you loose a lot of work.
      My Computers


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