Hello @Mael,
Most likely, a cumulative update will be released with a fix for version 1809 with it having a new build number.
I do Regular Imaging at least every other day. Since this was reported to The Windows Hub, maybe the Idiots are in Redmond. There was a time when there were two Hubs, one for Insiders and one for just users. IMHO this was a better way of doing things. Maybe it is time for MS to stop with The Taco hats, the Ninja Cats and butterfly Dress's and jut do their job. Windows 10 has been out four years .
I had updated 2 systems and all seemed OK but yesterday I tried updating my wife's PC which is a duplicate of my main PC.
WU would not give me the 1809 version. I reset WU and ran SFC with no errors. I then tried the Update Assistant and it started the install then failed. Now I find this crap from MS.
I am going to restore ALL my system to 1803 Build 17134.320 and let it set for a Month or two.
I use Macrium Reflex Free for my OS and SyncToy 2.1 for all my data files.
I've learned it's best to not jump the gun here by broadcasting my success with new versions for fear of jinxing any early good fortune.
And yet under these circumstances, while wondering like everyone else if upgrading 'day one' was the right decision, I thought sharing my current positive outcome earlier might provide some continued hope for those who've also clean installed 1809 using MCT before it was pulled.
With both platforms now fully installed and loaded, including OneDrive, they've been running without incident or loss of data for several days. Honestly it appears to hum faster then the older patched up 1803.320.
And what would a Tenforums post be without some personal commentary...
I use Windows now strictly for it's OS only - not it's products or utilities if I can help it. OneDrive the major free exception for data I hardly touch but like knowing is somewhere other than under this roof.
I learned over the years to never depend on Microsoft for it's either it's products, it's utilities, nor it's 'helpful' default file structures ( i.e. Pictures, Documents, Videos ), having found sooner, rather then later, they'll get deprecated away leaving me with some inferior replacement to what I had before.
The list is long, and only getting longer...
The last straw for me was when they jerked away a perfect good 'Windows Mail' client from Vista, while attempting to coax me toward 'Windows LIve Mail' in 7, that's when I learned to find open source products that are much more stable and easy to migrate, using portable versions if available.
On a related side note of learning to live without unwanted Windows products or apps that get incessantly updated or broken, and while CCleaner* has suffered some serious black eyes recently, it's 'Uninstall' tooI is the one utility with a UI that allows me to effortlessly rid these clean installs of all the useless games and bloatware coming down with each feature release, knocking on wood now for the last 3 major upgrades.
Knowing enough to never count partially unhatch things, I'm reminded of the Philip Seymour Hoffman character, Gust Avrakotos when he quotes the parable of the Zen master in 'Charlie Wilson's War':
We'll see...
* 'Portable' version ( v.5.47.6716 ) which appears to still include a privacy option check box..
For What it's worth updated On October 3rd via the ISO, Clean install, No files missing that i can tell, though i backup everything to external drives, and hardly nothing is kept in User Folders, Plus what is kept is stored on Secondary D drive. Am i safe to keep Windows 10 1809 Pro installed
Yes, it worked faultlessly and grabbed the required files very quickly. No restart needed. 1803 did get fixed in the end but in the early days it needed the installation media to be used together with a Powershell command to install the required files. (And with thanks to those on here that helped me sort that one out).