My update clean up folder is empty so that is not the problem or space usually when I do an update it does it without any problems
My update clean up folder is empty so that is not the problem or space usually when I do an update it does it without any problems
Is this coincident, after upgrading to 1809 I lost all my Google contacts ??
Your partial error code matches this from "Resolve Windows Upgrade" article
The error message has some links to further dwell down is this is a match for your failure.
Think this basically the same article that Superfly posted.
Notice the SetupDiag program. Might shed some light. If this is drivers how old is laptop. MS regularly recommends disconnecting all non essential devices.
20,000 views, 200+ replies. Ok. I get it, you downloaded the RS5. So, what are you actually going to do with the new features? There is actually a lot of new there. I am asking because I am not seeing the value of win 10 being applied beyond getting the update. Like, This is how I use the new.... feature to.... Just sayin.
Just finished updating G's Laptop without any problems.
One thing I did notice is the "Add_Copy-Move_To_Folder_to_context_menu.reg" from @Brink disappeared from the Explorer Context Menu. A Quick Fix though.
Add 'Copy To folder' and 'Move To folder' Context Menu in Windows 10 | Windows 10 Tutorials
One poorly implemented feature is skip&sketch. It seems it is by default installing an earlier version ie one without delay actions and if you go to Store to update, it seems you are up to date.
Only those who were on this build as an Insider have the latest version with delay.
Way to go MS - release a new tool with a critical part missing - how to win friends and influence people!!
PS I have checked a clean non insider install, and indeed it is an old version!
No wonder people are complaining!!!!
Upgrade didn't come in on Windows Updater, so decided to use the Media Creation Tool to do an "in place" upgrade...
Took some time to load all the files (probably because MS servers are pretty jammed but once they were all in, it installed smoothly and quickly...less than 45 minutes i would say... All Apps and Data preserved...Only had to boost Volume Control back to 100% as it got moved down...Seems to be running very bugs noticed..."fingers crossed"....LOL![]()
Last edited by Craig; 03 Oct 2018 at 15:55.
Won't hurt to try this. Simple steps.
Windows Update error 0x80070003 - Microsoft Community