Windows 10 October 2018 Update rollout now paused

  1. Posts : 502
    Win 11 Pro 64 bit

    Josey Wales said:
    That is correct, the only way to get past 17763.55 is thru The Windows Insider Program. One of these days before years end MS will get it released. I hope.
    For some unknown reason a few of us don't have any issues and are content to just stay on 17763.55. My system runs better than it ever has. No clue why.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 384
    Windows 10 Home x64

    stealth2920 said:
    For some unknown reason a few of us don't have any issues and are content to just stay on 17763.55. My system runs better than it ever has. No clue why.
    Interestingly, most people have seen a performance uplift in 1809. Whether or not it's the placebo effect I don't know. I'm not really inclined to do much benchmarking, if it feels better that's a good thing.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi folks

    1809 (paused) build.

    I had a few issues with the build that actually weren't issues -- Bad case of R.T.F.M !!! --it just works -- the few issues I've had actually were my "Mea Culpa" and had I had slightly less of those delicious alcoholic beverages and done a bit more Googling the problems would have been fixed -- even an obscure XP VM problem running on 1809, !!

    A lot of times I think we are too quick (myself included) to rush to conclusions if something is not working it's all due to Ms.

    Perhaps a little bit of "Slow down" and more googling etc would fix zillions of problems --note I'm not saying there aren't bugs with this stuff but it's nothing like as bad as it appears to get reported.

    I do want a new build now as I can't break anything more on this one !!!!!

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,962
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    My 1809 runs like a jetfighter , no troubles/pain at all , besides its more snappy and smoother then 1803 !
    Only hope they will update our 1809 , so no formatting and starting all over again this year............
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi folks

    Don't forget UUPDUMP if you aren't in the insider programs and want to try out the builds.

    UUP dump

    As always DO BACKUP (IMAGE) your system first --Free Macrium or other equivalent software should be a matter of course to people using these builds,

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 659
    10 preview 64bit

    You can just imagine what happened in the 1 month fail meeting

    You lot are a bunch of Amateurs, I've seen better results come from those Apprentices and im worse than Trump/Sugar.

    OK I WANT 10 (X) re-released and in (P) Place within (SP) Seven Production days. Report back in (3) days.

    Colleague at the back whispers well wouldn't you know it XP SP3, got one of those at home keep it next to my Apple.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 430
    Windows 10 Pro

    Roy you forgot to mention "Your Fired"
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,871
    W10 pro x64 20H2 Build 19042.610

    I've been wondering what will happen to those of us running 1809 currently. It seems inconceivable that MS will want 'two' versions of 1809 running and so wondered what the possible scenarios could be.

    1/ Those of us on 1809 (running it now) get a CU that brings us to the same state as the fixed and rehashed 1809. From that point on we are all the same.

    2/ The rehashed 1809 is classed as a major feature update and installs as such meaning those of us running 1809 now end up with an 'upgrade install' and all that entails such as Windows old folder and lost customisation.

    That could be interesting for those that have feature updates deferred. MS would have to continue to supply critical updates. All speculation... and all very interesting.

    And as other have hinted at, my experience with 1809 has been stellar, no issues at all and subjectively it seems so much snappier and less 'disk thrashy' for want of a better word. All good, all very very good actually
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 50,055
    Windows 10 Home 64bit 21H1 and insider builds

    Mooly said:
    I've been wondering what will happen to those of us running 1809 currently. It seems inconceivable that MS will want 'two' versions of 1809 running and so wondered what the possible scenarios could be.

    1/ Those of us on 1809 (running it now) get a CU that brings us to the same state as the fixed and rehashed 1809. From that point on we are all the same.

    2/ The rehashed 1809 is classed as a major feature update and installs as such meaning those of us running 1809 now end up with an 'upgrade install' and all that entails such as Windows old folder and lost customisation.

    That could be interesting for those that have feature updates deferred. MS would have to continue to supply critical updates. All speculation... and all very interesting.

    And as other have hinted at, my experience with 1809 has been stellar, no issues at all and subjectively it seems so much snappier and less 'disk thrashy' for want of a better word. All good, all very very good actually
    The CU to bring 1809 up to scratch is already in the Release Preview and Slow Rings so that will be released to those of us on 1809. Whether they will release a new iso or re-release the old one with the CU is less certain. I think they have already patched 1803 so that the data loss won't happen again.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 18
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations

    Windows 10 is a very bad idea

    However. Same bugs appear again at again, many new features that nobody need. After install from scratch must be cleaned from bloatware for kids. This is only disaster. Install 10 minutes, right setup and cleaning 2 hours. Every new release (twice a year) fight with bugs. Microsoft has no control more over their O/S. I wish Bill Gates as CEO again ….
      My Computer


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