Windows 10 October 2018 Update rollout now paused

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows10 Home 64

    ThrashZone said:
    Dark theme messed up
    White file/ folder listing black font and white background = okay can go with that
    Selections are black can't see file name anymore

    Windows 10 Version 1809. Right click unusable in dark mode.
    Text changes to white, but Menu windows are still white.
    Light mode OK.
    Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 131
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Try to reapply default theme.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 45,668
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Bree said:
    Having said that, System Protection wasn't turned off on any of the machines I've upgraded.
    - wonder why it's an inconsistent experience? Is an in-place upgrade repair install different in this respect?
    ('typical' was too strong a word on my part in retrospect).
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 7,252
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    Clean installed 1809 which took between 10-15 minutes.

    Windows 10 October 2018 Update rollout now paused-1809.png
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 33,895
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    dalchina said:
    - wonder why it's an inconsistent experience? Is an in-place upgrade repair install different in this respect?
    I consistently see System Restore is still on after an in-place update (in 1809 as in previous versions). Apparently letting Windows Update do it for you has been observed to turn it off...

    Stigg said:
    From what I know so far, this seems to only apply to computers that are updated via Windows Update.
    If you use the Windows 10 Update Tool, then it doesn't turn it off.
    Warning: System Restore Disabled After 1809 Upgrade - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 27,401
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    On one machine(my main one) after clean up disk space,
    I had a 0 byte folder left over in Windows.old so couldn't get rid of it the normal way.

    I tried using cmd
    C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd c:\
    c:\>dir /a /x /p
     Volume in drive C is Windows M.2
     Volume Serial Number is A000-AD45
     Directory of c:\
    03-Dec-17  20:10    <DIR>                       $RECYCLE.BIN
    14-Apr-18  21:02    <DIR>          ADWCLE~1     AdwCleaner
    02-Oct-18  16:14               206              audio.log
    25-Nov-17  14:31    <DIR>                       boot
    25-Nov-17  14:27           386,976              bootmgr
    25-Nov-17  12:43                80              bootTel.dat
    18-Sep-18  05:00             7,889              CAP.xml
    12-Sep-18  16:16             7,347              default.xml
    25-Nov-17  18:09    <JUNCTION>     DOCUME~1     Documents and Settings [C:\Users                  ]
    03-Oct-18  09:49            10,005 GETPRO~1.XML GetProfile_2 .xml
    03-Oct-18  09:49    13,715,443,712              hiberfil.sys
    29-Sep-18  11:01    <DIR>                       Intel
    03-Oct-18  09:49    36,507,222,016              pagefile.sys
    03-Oct-18  06:58    <DIR>                       PerfLogs
    03-Oct-18  05:54    <DIR>          PROGRA~1     Program Files
    03-Oct-18  15:48    <DIR>          PROGRA~2     Program Files (x86)
    03-Oct-18  06:01    <DIR>          PROGRA~3     ProgramData
    03-Oct-18  05:59    <DIR>                       Recovery
    Press any key to continue . . .
    02-Oct-18  17:38    <DIR>          REGBAC~1     RegBackup
    04-Mar-18  09:24             2,923 SETPRO~1.XML SetProfile.xml
    29-Aug-18  05:52    <DIR>                       Settings
    03-Oct-18  09:49        16,777,216              swapfile.sys
    25-Nov-17  14:41    <DIR>                       Swsetup
    03-Oct-18  06:57    <DIR>          SYSTEM~1     System Volume Information
    16-Sep-18  18:52    <DIR>                       Temp
    03-Oct-18  05:40    <DIR>                       Users
    03-Oct-18  09:49    <DIR>                       Windows
                  10 File(s) 50,239,858,370 bytes
                  17 Dir(s)  340,608,413,696 bytes free
    find 8.3 name(contains the tilde(~)) Example AdwCleaner it's ADWCLE~1 >rd /s (8.3 name here) Example: >rd /s ADWCLE~1 >are you sure?(Y/N)

    Didn't work either as Windows.old had no tilde

    So for the heck of it I tried adding a txt file, then tried deleting the folder.
    And it worked!

      My Computers

  7. Posts : 27,401
    Win11 Pro, Win10 Pro N, Win10 Home, Windows 8.1 Pro, Ubuntu

    Bree said:
    I consistently see System Restore is still on after an in-place update (in 1809 as in previous versions). Apparently letting Windows Update do it for you has been observed to turn it off...

    Warning: System Restore Disabled After 1809 Upgrade - Windows 10 Forums
    I have never experienced that.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 50,055
    Windows 10 Home 64bit 21H1 and insider builds

    Cliff S said:
    On one machine(my main one) after clean up disk space,
    I had a 0 byte folder left over in Windows.old so couldn't get rid of it the normal way.

    I tried using cmd
    C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd c:\
    c:\>dir /a /x /p
     Volume in drive C is Windows M.2
     Volume Serial Number is A000-AD45
     Directory of c:\
    03-Dec-17  20:10    <DIR>                       $RECYCLE.BIN
    14-Apr-18  21:02    <DIR>          ADWCLE~1     AdwCleaner
    02-Oct-18  16:14               206              audio.log
    25-Nov-17  14:31    <DIR>                       boot
    25-Nov-17  14:27           386,976              bootmgr
    25-Nov-17  12:43                80              bootTel.dat
    18-Sep-18  05:00             7,889              CAP.xml
    12-Sep-18  16:16             7,347              default.xml
    25-Nov-17  18:09    <JUNCTION>     DOCUME~1     Documents and Settings [C:\Users                  ]
    03-Oct-18  09:49            10,005 GETPRO~1.XML GetProfile_2 .xml
    03-Oct-18  09:49    13,715,443,712              hiberfil.sys
    29-Sep-18  11:01    <DIR>                       Intel
    03-Oct-18  09:49    36,507,222,016              pagefile.sys
    03-Oct-18  06:58    <DIR>                       PerfLogs
    03-Oct-18  05:54    <DIR>          PROGRA~1     Program Files
    03-Oct-18  15:48    <DIR>          PROGRA~2     Program Files (x86)
    03-Oct-18  06:01    <DIR>          PROGRA~3     ProgramData
    03-Oct-18  05:59    <DIR>                       Recovery
    Press any key to continue . . .
    02-Oct-18  17:38    <DIR>          REGBAC~1     RegBackup
    04-Mar-18  09:24             2,923 SETPRO~1.XML SetProfile.xml
    29-Aug-18  05:52    <DIR>                       Settings
    03-Oct-18  09:49        16,777,216              swapfile.sys
    25-Nov-17  14:41    <DIR>                       Swsetup
    03-Oct-18  06:57    <DIR>          SYSTEM~1     System Volume Information
    16-Sep-18  18:52    <DIR>                       Temp
    03-Oct-18  05:40    <DIR>                       Users
    03-Oct-18  09:49    <DIR>                       Windows
                  10 File(s) 50,239,858,370 bytes
                  17 Dir(s)  340,608,413,696 bytes free
    find 8.3 name(contains the tilde(~)) Example AdwCleaner it's ADWCLE~1 >rd /s (8.3 name here) Example: >rd /s ADWCLE~1 >are you sure?(Y/N)

    Didn't work either as Windows.old had no tilde

    So for the heck of it I tried adding a txt file, then tried deleting the folder.
    And it worked!

    An admin cmd worked for me with the following commands.

    cd c:/
    rd windows.old /s

    reply y to the prompt.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 104
    windows 10 pro


    2 computers updated to 1809 through WU it took a few hours but OK, both of them with explorer dark theme as default. Don't know yet if I am going to like it.

      My Computers

  10. Posts : 141

    After 10 hours of updating, it is now here! Win10 1809 is now on 5/6 of the computers, including my 330-15IKB. Happy Birthday to me also means its the 1809 Anniversary Update Take 2!
      My Computer


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