ESET discovers first LoJax UEFI rootkit malware by Sednit group

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  1. xTL
    Posts : 396
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit

    @Superfly i think Penny K was reffering to certain programs that allows you to download a new version of the software. without going to the source page.
    i.e. IO bits driver booster, allows you to download new nvidia drivers ect.
    but i agree, no reason to snap at you just because you asked what she meant :/
    Last edited by xTL; 18 Mar 2019 at 19:43.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,453

    Thanx, my app here updates from source - if you download a trusted app.. thenwhy is there a big deal upgrading from within? No idea about IObit BTW (I read it's shady but generally speaking)
      My Computer

  3. xTL
    Posts : 396
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit

    I just used IO bits driver booster as an example i'm sure there are many other programs that does similar to what io bits does.
    Because Penny used vlc as a example aswell i'll do the same.

    So instead of going to vlc main page some might find the program on or torrent sites.
    There's no reason to go there to download vlc instead of
    I think that's what she was going at, at least i understood it like that.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 94
    Win 10 17134.228

    and yet another reason the bios should of stayed one way communication. in my book two way communication for the bios was the biggest mistake os and mobo manufactures ever made.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,453

    Yup, Agreed makes sense (unlike Penny wise above ... LOL) - leave the IRQ alone .. this writing back to EFI for boot is stupid.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 384
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Avast Software Updater
    Filehippo App Manager

    there's a few (reputable) third party app updaters; they do get from the vendor AFAICT
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 94
    Win 10 17134.228

    winactive said:
    Avast Software Updater
    Filehippo App Manager

    there's a few (reputable) third party app updaters; they do get from the vendor AFAICT
    use patchmypc and other than an occasional outdated link never a problem with it. looked at the various other ones and wasn't impressed.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 384
    Windows 10 Home x64

    IAmNoOne said:
    use patchmypc and other than an occasional outdated link never a problem with it. looked at the various other ones and wasn't impressed.
    PatchMyPC looks OK but it's arguing with me about things that are up to date saying they're not and it's missed a lot completely. I agree it's better than Filehippo App Manager. Too many options and too busy for me.

    I used to use Secunia PSI that was the best but alas now no longer.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 3,453

    Just a word of warning... if an app does not have a self-update facility (may not be automated) it's not worth updating other than re-installing ... these 3rd party stuff cannot be trusted IHMO... eg. the driver updater stuff....?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 384
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Superfly said:
    Just a word of warning... if an app does not have a self-update facility (may not be automated) it's not worth updating other than re-installing ... these 3rd party stuff cannot be trusted IHMO... eg. the driver updater stuff....?
    I'd agree with the Driver updater variants, they are usually scamware. But equally, I dislike the Nvidia "sign in for telemetry" model. It's not like they don't move the support goalposts eventually.
      My Computers


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