Office 2019 is now available for Windows 10 and Mac Office

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  1. Posts : 15,216
    Windows 10 IoT

    Woot, its up on My Visual Studio (MSDN). A full DVD ISO version (the one I wanted) and the web install version of Office Professional Plus. Got my 5 "Retail" product codes for each too. My last parting gift for being an former MVP.
    I'm guessing the Home & Student for Mac version will eventually show up on My Visual Studio subs too. It's there for Office 2016.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro

    ericnixmd said:
    I subscribe to Office 365. I'm assuming I will get this as an update eventually?
    Office365 includes the Office365 version of Microsoft Office which gets updates and new features on a regular cadence. Thus, you already have the latest changes and updates to the office suite.

    The release of Office 2019 is for the person who purchases their copy of Office without the subscription. This is their ability to now upgrade to the latest that Microsoft has to offer.
      My Computers


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