Still not found through auto or manual check.
Running Windows 10 Home v1803 -- CU not being offered through WU either automatically or manually. Debating whether to install stand-alone. CU is still on Microsoft Update Catalog as of this writing.
To whom the latest CU isn't offered via WU: is the latest SSU KB4456655 present on your system?
I for one am thankful that MS has chosen to identify and address issues quickly rather than sit on them for weeks at a time waiting for some magical future date.
I got Build x.319 yesterday on 2 Notebooks via WU but 2 Desktops weren't seeing it so I updated them with the Offline installer, all seems to have gone well. And Yes, KB4456655 was installed on all 4 on 9/11/18.
A rather anemic story but Windows Report is claiming install and black screen issues with CU 4458469.
KB4458469 brings install issues and black screen errors | Windows Report
Like many others, I did have the servicing stack update installed on 9/11 (KB4456655) but wasn't getting the latest CU offered via WU anyway. Installing manually now on 1 PC. If it goes well, I'll repeat that prescription on my other three 1803 PCs. Here we go!
[Note added 5:11 later] Ended up blogging about this, including some interesting DISM (mis)behaviors with post install clean-up: Getting KB4458469 Installed When Windows Update Offer Absent.
[Note added 1 day later] All 4 1803 machines now successfully upgraded to 1803 17134.319. The post-install DISM clean-up takes some time, though, because there are lots of updates (6 packages) in need of tidying up after.
Last edited by EdTittel; 22 Sep 2018 at 08:51. Reason: Add note, clean up URL
its probably pulled out because problems ppl report... i also didnt get update