New Windows 10 Insider Preview Fast & Slow Build 17763 - September 20 Insider

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  1. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    The network sharing has been wonky for the past 3 to 4 updates. It comes and go without me doing anything. Now it's back again. I hope it's here to stay...

    New Windows 10 Insider Preview Fast & Slow Build 17763 - September 20-image.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 92
    Win10Pro_64; Win10Pro_64 insider

    I had no problems updating my 1803 systems to the 1809 version. Neither with pro or home.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,205
    WINDOWS 10 Pro x64 build 19042.685

    Elegast said:
    I had no problems updating my 1803 systems to the 1809 version. Neither with pro or home.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,276
    Windows 10 and windows insider

    Calendar will not sync with mail. Previously, two builds ago, I had problem with inability to log in so could not sync anything. Now Calendar will not sync but login works.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,205
    WINDOWS 10 Pro x64 build 19042.685

    This is another one of those things that I'm not sure if it's a bug or a new "feature", it happens in Edge every time the home button is clicked and it's very annoying because that black rectangle covers a part of the favorites:

    I think someone had mentioned it a long time ago.

    Another behavior that I consider a bug is this:

    In A18U the Acrylic effect appears immediately when you enable that toggle, in this build you have to minimize and maximize the apps to make it appear, to reproduce the bug, you have to disable transparencies, close Settings and all apps, then re-open Settings and enable transparencies again.
    Last edited by LEOPEVA64; 23 Sep 2018 at 23:25.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,491
    Windows Insider Fast Ring LatestKUuuntu 20.10

    Wynona said:
    Marty, I watched the webcast a couple days ago, and the Fast and Slow Rings were discussed. It was brought up that the Slow Ring had been neglected, but they're working on rectifying the situation and releasing more Builds to the Slow Ring. Also, the two Rings weren't released the same day; I believe the Slow Ring release was a couple days after the Fast Ring.
    OK. However, this thread is under both Fast and Slow. If the Slow was released a few earlier would there not be a separate thread for that. This is getting exceedingly complex and jimbo's remarks are well taken. Are they going to let Insider's know when 1809 RTM build will be available for us? When that happens I "may" install it on a p[hysical hard disk - but first I have to work on my wife's machine.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 15,865

    martyfelker said:
    OK. However, this thread is under both Fast and Slow. If the Slow was released a few earlier would there not be a separate thread for that. This is getting exceedingly complex and jimbo's remarks are well taken. Are they going to let Insider's know when 1809 RTM build will be available for us? When that happens I "may" install it on a p[hysical hard disk - but first I have to work on my wife's machine.
    Yeah same day as it is officially released to the masses. Until then we engage in pantomime "Oh yes it is, Oh no it is not!"
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,151
    Windows 10 Pro

    martyfelker said:
    OK. However, this thread is under both Fast and Slow. If the Slow was released a few earlier would there not be a separate thread for that. This is getting exceedingly complex and jimbo's remarks are well taken. Are they going to let Insider's know when 1809 RTM build will be available for us? When that happens I "may" install it on a p[hysical hard disk - but first I have to work on my wife's machine.
    don't hold your breath for that they wont say the term RTM anymore
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 93
    Win10Pro 64bit

    martyfelker said:
    OK. However, this thread is under both Fast and Slow. If the Slow was released a few earlier would there not be a separate thread for that. This is getting exceedingly complex and jimbo's remarks are well taken. Are they going to let Insider's know when 1809 RTM build will be available for us? When that happens I "may" install it on a p[hysical hard disk - but first I have to work on my wife's machine.
    This thread was originally just for the Fast Ring release and was then renamed by Brink to Fast and Slow when the build was released to the slow ring .
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 29,078
    Windows 10 21H1 Build 19043.1023

    martyfelker said:
    OK. However, this thread is under both Fast and Slow. If the Slow was released a few earlier would there not be a separate thread for that. This is getting exceedingly complex and jimbo's remarks are well taken. Are they going to let Insider's know when 1809 RTM build will be available for us? When that happens I "may" install it on a p[hysical hard disk - but first I have to work on my wife's machine.
    From past experience, Marty, we should know when the watermark is removed from our Fast Ring Build(s). That's about all I can tell ya.
      My Computer


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