Thanks fir that.
I fast did some additional tests in the RTM 1809:
Reboot with disabled background apps.
Creating message in action center with a scan with Windows Defender
Got a 1 in the action icon in the tray.
Clicking on it gives an empty message screen.
So wrong.
I enabled background apps and did the test again.
No success.
Then I did a reboot (so with enabled background apps)
Test again and again a 1 in de tray.
I clicked on de tray icon and I got all de missing messages !!
--> So after enabling the background apps I need a reboot to get it into work
Then I disabled the background apps.
Test again.
Messages still OK !!
I rebooted with disabled background apps again.
Test again.
And now message screen again empty.
So wrong again.
I have no time to test this further now.
Bij the way, in the above test I enabled/disabled all the background apps.
Probably only one of background apps should be kept enabled to get a success.
Did you test that already ?
I hate dark explorer. It looks so unfinished. It should have had there so called Fluent Design but it just looks bad. What makes matters worse is that if I turn off dark mode it turns it off in settings. In Settings dark mode looks great but no I got to use the eye bright mode in apps just because it changes it in explorer too.